Chapter 35: We're In

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(P.S. Ignore the gun, it isn't there in the story)


2007 – Boston

The apartment air was frigid and chilly. The sun didn't want to come out and neither did I, but I have to eat something. Uncurling myself from the blanket-burrito position in my bed, I sat up and stared at the gloomy-looking Boston suburbs from my loft.

I finally get up, picking up a fluffy blanket wrapping it around me, and head to the kitchen. I glanced at my phone. 5:00pm, it read. I set it on the counter and turn around to grab some iced green tea from the fridge.

"Are you here for a reason or are you just gonna keep staring from the dark." I boringly asked the man sitting in my reading chair all dressed in black with his legs crossed.

"How did you know I was here?" He sounded mildly surprised.

"Saw you from the corner of my eye the second I walked in." I replied, wiping my nose with my sleeve.

"Impressive." He acknowledged.

"Sure. Care for something to drink?" I turned on the light and noticed he had an eyepatch. Usually I'd be a nervous wreck for the easy fact that some guy broke into my apartment but I could care less right now. I was worried, but I was too tired to show it. Besides, if he were her to hurt me he would have already.

"You don't seem very phased with me breaking into your apartment." He tilted his head.

"Well, if you were her to steal something you would have left and if you wanted to kill me for no reason you would've already. Besides, I think I'm too tired to be scared." I spoke my thought, my voice unwavering.

"Rough night?"

"Tell me about it." I mumbled.

"Sorry about your break-up with Dr. Banner." This caught my attention a little.

"Even my relationships huh?"

"I'm sorry?"

"What? You don't think I notice the same black tinted SUV's following me around everywhere? Or better yet the 'moving van' that hasn't gone anywhere in the last two weeks and always has two people in it? And it was mutual by the way, but you probably know that." I muttered that last part.

To this he looked offended. Looked at me with a glare.

"What, I'm observant— Yet I still don't know why I am explaining myself to you or why are you even here! I don't know for what agency you work for but I'm clearly not a threat." I huffed.

"I'm Director Fury from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."

"That's a new one."

"Not really, just a mouthful. I'm here to recruit you."

"Ok...why?" I dumbly inquired.

"We need doctors. What better than a doctor who managed to pointed out where I stationed stealthy agents on her trail."

"What's the pay?" I cut straight to a very important point.

"Starting at thirty-thousand annually." He didn't even blink.

"Starting?" That's more than enough just for me.

"That's not all. We're offering the same job to your best friend. If you both accept, you'll be working together on assignments."

He spent the next hour or so explaining every possible thing I might be doing if I took the job.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The next day I was having a "girls night" with Aala which consisted of movie marathons, junk food, and beers. Then I got a call from the number Fury gave me. I quickly put it on speaker.

"What do say, Y/L/N, Cruz?"

We looked at each other.

"Were in." What could go wrong?

A/N: Short filler chapter. I thought it'd be funny to show you and Fury's first interaction, given the circumstances. 

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