Chapter 6: Try

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"Believe me, I get it. He's tried to kill me multiple times. But we need to try" Bucky sighed, starting to wash the dishes I left in the sink since last night.

"Where would we even find him?" Sam's frustration was dripping from each syllable at this point. I'm not too surprised. He's probably had a rough time as well.

"Berlin." I gulped.

"I'll call Joaquin and tell him we need a lift" He added. I didint know who Joaquin was or why we needed a lift, but i'll try to not reveal all my cards too early in the game.

"This is surely going to be interesting" I picked up a towel to start drying the dishes. This was my house, after all.

"It sure will be." Bucky agreed, then turned to me. Piercing blue eyes stared back at me and for a moment i forgot how to breathe. Suddenly the space between us didint seem so big. "What did you mean by pain tolerance earlier?"

"The- uh accident in Afghanistan left me with a pretty messed up knee. If it weren't for the serum, I'd probably be walking in crutches or worse. It was very painful" I lied.

"I'm sorry...I assumed the worst when you told me you got the serum." he said looking down and passing me another plate.

"It wasn't your fault and curiosity doesn't always kill the cat" I replied with a little smile creeping its way on my face. We finished putting away the dishes and Sam came into the kitchen after that phone call he was going to make.

"We gotta be at the base in three hours people. We're going to Berlin!"

"I better go pack; an extra shirt and a toothbrush probably won't cut it." I said.

"Alright, I'll be outside" Bucky said. I nodded and headed up to my room.

Bucky's POV:

After Y/N left Sam started looking at me weird.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. I'll be in the car making some other calls" he replied. Weird.

Y/N's POV:

After I went upstairs I took a backpack out of my closet and started filling it with what I'll need for this 'adventure'. The usual toiletries, my laptop, and two main outfits. Some casual extra stretchy jeans and two graphic t-shirts. And a black romper that was along the lines of classy. I also packed my guns, their holsters, and a knife; well- it was more of a dagger, knifes don't have big sheaths. All that plus a hoodie smushed really tight.

The doctor in me also packed, bandages, pain killers, and tweezers.

What can I say? My line of work is dangerous and better safe then sorry. Besides, if anyone gets hurt and I'm the most qualified person to deal with the injury, it won't matter if I don't have necessary tools.

I also packed some noise cancelling headphones. I'm gonna be hanging out with too much testosterone and I know for a fact those two don't get along. This'll be fun.

I made my way outside were Bucky and Sam were reclined against their truck waiting for me.

"Hello boys" I smiled "What are we waiting for?"

"You, actually" Sam said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


We were walking along the corridor in the holding facility where they had Zemo. The ride here was silent, well the boys were silent. I spent most of that lovely time chatting with Joaquin, who i'd found out shared the same music taste as me. I wasnt gonna  be all broody and mysterious.

I zoned out. It wasnt until we stopped that i noticed someone talking.

"He's just through that corridor." The guard said.

"Alright, give us a sec" Bucky looked at us.

The guard nodded and left.

"I'm gonna go in alone"

"Like hell you are." I said. I wasn't gonna let him. No way.

"Why?" Sam asked.

" 'Cause you're an Avenger. You know how he feels about that."

"Well it's not like you two are known for frolicking in the sun together"

"He was obsessed with Hydra. We have a history together. Trust me. I got it."

"I'm not an Avenger, I'll come with you." I stated.


"Don't try it. You know it won't work" I held my hand up to him. "Let's get this over with" I bopped my head towards his cell.

We walked inside, or at least an inside to his cell. Although, his actual cell was protected by a thick glass. Sound absorbers covering the walls from top to bottom. 

If it weren't for the security cameras this would be a good room to murder him. Its also good for singing.

He was sitting on the bed. His face hidden by the shadows. That's not creepy at all.

Then he started talking in Russian, words I knew all too well.

желание, (longing)

ржавые, (rusted)

семнадцать (seventeen)

A/N: I dont know Russian, this was off of google translate. Sorry an plz dont come for me

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