Chapter 4: Y/N

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Y/N's POV:

4 hours later:

"Hey Y/N?!" Bucky shouted from the kitchen.

"Yeah Buck? What is it?" I shouted back not removing my eyes towards the screens.

I've been trying to find information of the Flag Smashers for the last hour or so on every possible server. Every time I think I find something it goes to a self-destruct program deleting everything. Now I'm searching them up from a few... non-conventional methods. And by that I mean a few dark net servers from some buddies of mine while I told Bucky to go and make me tea.

"Where are the cups?"

"First cabinet to the left, next to the fridge!" I replied.

I guess he found them because next thing I know he walks into the room holding two cups of tea. I thanked him and he put his cup on the coffee table in front of the couch were Sam fell asleep. He watched as I typed away on the glowing keyboard.

"Here! Finally!" I yelled.

Sam jumped up startled "What's wrong?! What happened?!"

"I found info on our super soldier leader. Karli Morgenthau. Last sighted near Munich. Armed and dangerous".

"How did you find that? I thought you said all files were deleted before you could access them?" Bucky asked.

"They were. But I stopped looking in government servers. Instead, I remembered a buddy of mine who runs the Italian mafia with ties to the U.S. He's particularly interested in what Interpol is doing, and since you mentioned they're active in Central and Eastern Europe I thought this might help".

"Still. The deleted files- "Bucky started.

"Italian mafia-?" Sam mumbled with a face that was something between clueless and scared for his life.

"Let me finish! His system is slow, so it updates every week or so and guess what?"

"It didn't update before they deleted they're files?"

"Exactly! Giving me enough time to make a copy to my servers" I said excitedly drinking my tea. Cringing at the temperature. There are too types of people in this world: the ones who like their tea warm/hot (like me), and those who like their tea at the same boiling point as lava (like Bucky).

"Well, what else did you find?" Sam asked rubbing his eyes and sitting up straight.

"Unfortunately, not much. They've been stealing medical supplies and provisions, then bringing them to refugee camps all over Europe. Apparently they're motto is 'One world, one people'. That's pretty much it".


"Look I get it Wilson, it's not much but it's something. Besides, its more than you had." I placed the tea down on the coaster and glared.

"Thank you Y/N" Bucky sincerely said to me with soft eyes.

"Ya know, we need to catch up."

"I'd love too." Bucky said, nodding for reassurance.

I glanced over at the clock and saw 1:56am.

"Oh shoot." I exclaimed.

"What is it?" Bucky asked.

"It's almost two in the morning. No wonder my head is spinning". I said while clutching my head.

"One of you can take thee guest room upstairs and the basement has a futon. If you give me a second I can get it ready". They nodded, too tired to argue otherwise. I yawned and made my way upstairs to change the sheets, same thing in the basement.

"Alrighty, sheets are changed I put some clean towels in the guest bathroom down the hall. Oh, and whoever is taking the basement, fair warning, do not touch my guns, especially my tech. I'll be in my room". And with that I left.

This is not how I envisioned my day going but oh well. I was bored anyways, so why not? Being off the grid gets a little boring after the first three years, weird right?

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