This is Where the Fun Begins

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"Marvelous" Nedzu applauded as he just finished recording Nana song. He enjoyed the look the fear she put into class 1-A, but for the other class. 'Seems like they need a lesson to see what it's like to be the small fish' he thought as he continued to watch the jumbo screen.

Vlad King leaned over to Aizawa "Eraser, tell me how badly this might turn out" he asked.

"I've already let Recovery Girl know to prepare 39 beds in the infirmary room just in case things get bad" Aizawa told him "and she's already irritated" he finished as he heard footsteps coming up from behind him. He turned around and saw All Might coming up towards them but he noticed something different about him.

All Might waved to them "Hey Present Mic told you guys would be out here, sorry for missing out on the meeting" he said as he stopped in-front of them "I had to take care of some things involving the league" he finished.

Aizawa just stared at him and turned around facing the Jumbotron "You looking more well than usually"

All Might nodded "Yep I've gained a bit of weight and muscle from eating probably since my entire stomach grew" he told them "So what's today hero lesson I assume both classes are involved seeing that Vlad King is here" he asked.

"You're not going to like it but it's the 4 problem children vs the problematic father and both classes" Aizawa pointed to the screen as All Might saw the 4 kids jumped down from a pipe they were on and landing straight on the ground a good distance from the other classes.

"I see I see" All Might said before he realizes what Aizawa said "OH MY GOODNESS" he buffed up to say that as he was worried and scared for the young heroes.

With the young heroes
"BWAHAHAHAHAH" Monoma laughed at what he was looking. Those four children were supposed to be the villains to fight and while rescuing a hostage on the other side of the factory ground this was too easy. "This is too simply" as he looked over to 1-A and saw the expression on their faces one that he will remember for years to come. "What's this is 1-A is frightening of a couple of children" he continued to mock and laugh as he class look at them.

With four kids Aoi looked over to Nana "Monoma laughing at us" she pointed out as they now saw him laughing on the ground now.

"It's expected neither him or 1-B know of what can we do" Nana said as she was enjoying watching Monoma laughing the ground like some hyena.

"So what do we do now" Yori asked as he flames flickered in the air as she wagged her tail from side to side.

"Oh how about that combo move we did that one time when dad took us camping" Toshi recommended.

  "Sounds likes an excellent idea, let's do it and show them we're not just ordinary kids" Nana said as they all agreed and charged up OFA and cocked back their right arms in unisons.

Midoriya noticed what the children were about to do as he saw that same attack from All Might during the exam. He turned back to everyone and took the charged. "Everyone brace yourself Todoroki create an ice wall behind us and Yaoyorozu we need communication devices" he told the both them of as the agreed

"Right" the both said as Todoroki created a giant ice wall and Yaoyorozu created walkie talkies and quickly handed them out to both classes.

"Yaoyorozu, what's going on" Kendo asked as she was handed a walkie "No time to explain just brace yourself" she told them with Kendo taking a bit back by her sternness.

"Hey what's going" Tetsutetsu asked as he and everyone heard the children shout.

"FULL COWLING QUAD SMASH" the kids all shouted as the threw their fist forwards sendings an enormous gust of wind forward to both classes causing a ton of damage to the surrounding area.

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