Battle Concluded

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Nana Midoriya


Both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu shouted out as they delivered a powerful swing towards Nana from both sides of her, which she counted with her both gauntlets holding them in place using OFA.

"Hey you copy my move" Kirishima notice how Tetsutetsu did an exact copy of his special move.

"Hell no, more like you copy me" Tetsutetsu retorted as they both struggle to push the little girl back.

Nana smiled at them "Same quirk, same manly passion, and same moves, are you sure you guys aren't long lost twins, did your parents do a Parent Trap situation" she mocked as she saw Ojiro coming down from above with an tail attack. She pushed the two hardened boys back and dodge the tail attack.

"You're still too obvious Tailman, get creative" Nana said as she turned around to block an drill attack from Kaibara with her gauntlets which caused sparks to be made on it. "You should be careful on how you use those Spiral, you could make an fatal mistake and might end up hurting someone real badly" Nana told him as she redirected his attack off her.

  Kendo came in using her enlarged fist and started delivering jumbo sized fist attacks at Nana, who was blocking each first blow with her own punches as she was getting pushed back at bit.

"You really know how hold your own kid" Kendo complimented as she speed up the out put of her attacks. "But you can't keep blocking my attacks forever"

Each fist attack was from kendo was met with Nana gauntlets "I can actually, my quirk allows me to predict and calculate" Nana said as kendo tried to deliver an kick to the little girl but dodged out of the with her small frame "And with that knowledge, my method of style is blocking and countering attacks"

Ojiro saw Nana dodge and quickly intercepted her by using his tail to wrap around her waist and spin around sending her flying in the air. "Interesting instead of attacking me with your tail, you used my own momentum when I dodge the kick against me by using your tail to launch me in the air leaving me vulnerable" Nana said as she saw Kendo running towards Tetsutetsu and Kaibara who had their hands cupped together.

Kendo jumped on her friends hands as the two boys launch their class President into the air. "Get her, Kendo" Tetsutetsu cheered her on.

"JUMBO FIST" Kendo shouted as she enlarged her fist as she was above the girl. Kendo sent a punch to Nana sending her straight to the ground below making small cracks.

Kendo landed on the ground as Kaibara, Tetsutetsu, and Kirishima ran up to her. "Nice job Kendo, we managed to get an hit on her" Tetsutetsu congratulating her.

"That was a cool team move" Kirishima told them.

"Heck yeah" Kaibara said "Just because you don't see us 1-B guys in action, doesn't mean we don't have a few tricks up our sleeves" He told them as Ojiro landed next to them still in a fighting stance.

"Pay attention, I'm getting a feeling she isn't down yet" Ojiro said as they stared at him.

"What do you mean isn't she just a kid" Kaibara told wondering why they should be on guard. The girl was just a kid so surly she shouldn't be that tough as he stared at where Nana was only to see that blue lighting was coming off her body as she raised herself up like an plank of wood.

"No freaking way" Kaibara said as he stared at girl and who just got back up from getting punch into the ground. "How the hell is that possible"

"Cause screw you that's why" Nana said as she cracked her neck and rolled her shoulder. "I must say, that was an impressive fleet, but it seems it still wasn't enough" Nana said as she fixed her glasses in place.

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