Plans are Coming Together

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Toshi and Yori
Both Toshi and Yori continued headed down path where both classes got blown away. Toshi was getting a birds eye view of the entire field while Yori was jumping from place to place navigating through the factory terrain setting. 'I haven't seen Tokage eye or ear anywhere for sometime, she must've have returned to her whole body' Toshi thought as he looked down to see Yori.

"Hey Yori, I don't see anything up here, what about down there" Toshi call to his sister on the ground.

"No" Yori replied back as she continued jumping around, but didn't see the word DAMP in kanji coming towards her and splashing her in the face. "Nyan" Yori cried out as she wiped her face off to get rid of the wetness as her flames fizzled out a bit.

Toshi noticed Yori flames fizzling "What happen"

"I'm got wet and I hate water" Yori whined as she tried to dry herself off using the collar of her shirt.

Toshi raised and eyebrow 'Water, but no one in both classes has a water quirk, unless Momo figure out she can make water or...' Toshi thought as he turned around quickly and dodged incoming tape, scales, and a laser beam. "Yori they're here retreat and get yourself dry off and reheat yourself" Toshi order as she ran off.

"Not so fast" Iida called out as he ran after Yori with Tsuburaba on his back. "Time to put this kitten in the cage" Tsuburaba said as he cuffed his hands into a square shape and blew out square air. Using her cat reflexes Yori kept dodging while trying to get her flames back up.

Toshi flew down to help his sister but was block by various floating onomatopoeias in kanji, a swarm of birds surrounded him, tape and scales being fired at him. Toshi used the debris he gathered to surround and protect himself 'Nice attack formation ' he thought.

Yori looked behind and saw her brother in trouble, she had a determined looked on her face as she quickly scaled the buildings to not only help him, but to also get away from Iida. Once she got to the top she saw Momo, Jirou, and Todoroki standing up there waiting for her.

Just behind Yori, vines began to climb up the building and she Ibara behind her. "Give up little kitten, we do not wish to cause harm to you" she said as they surrounded her.

Yori saw that she was being surrounding by the students whose quirks could incapacitated her. Now in any normal circumstances an ordinary child would've given up at the sight of UA hero courses students, but she wasn't no normal kid, she was a Midoriya. Her eyes shadow over while her mouth turned into a fang smile as her fire finally flared up as metal music began to play.

"Why do I hear heavy metal" Jirou questions as fire erupted from Yori. The four looked over to see that Yori body was in engulfed flames. The flames soon died down to reveal Yori with flames surrounding her wrist and ankles, as well as a small fire bell on her neck and a flame at the tip of her tail that burned brightly.

Yori looked up at them with a different expression on her faces of a feral child "Rip and tear until it's done" she said as she turned around and lunged towards Shiozaki with her hands covered in fire.

"Oh holy father" she cried out in fear as she receding her vines downward to avoid the flaming child not wanting to be catch on fire.

Momo, Jirou and Todoroki ran over to the area they saw Yori lung at Shiozaki and saw that she was scaling downwards with her hands and feet melting the surface leaving heated prints.

"Well that's something" Todoroki stated as the trio saw Shiozaki landed on the ground and running away with Yori following her.

"Yeah that's what happened when you tried to corner Yori" the trio turned around to see Toshi floating behind them looking fine and well. "She got dad's feral side we he gets really worked"

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