We Got Moves Too

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  Yori and Todoroki were already in the mix of combat as he kept sending waves of ice at Yori, but she would either dodge the ice, break through it, or completely melt it.

"Darn cat"Todoroki said as he leapt back a bit to a avoid another Yori attack. She kept trying to pounce on him but he kept avoiding each time and she would leave cracks in the payment along with burn marks as she landed on those spots. 'I need to be careful , she's moving too fast' Todoroki thought to himself.

(Toshi voice)
Yori Midoriya: Special move - Flame Cowling Neko Style - by combining her fire and OFA together she can use the same technique her dad can but with her body being covered by flames, although this could lead to little sis overheating or  burning herself, so best to put her out quickly, but it's still super cool

Yori used her quirk and started jumping to different places in the factory using the close spaces to her advantage to build speed while ricocheting off the walls. Todoroki tried to follow her movements but they were to quick and chaotic, that he couldn't keep up until eventually Yori appeared behind him.

"Neko fire punch" Yori called out as she was about to deliver a flaming punch to Todoroki. He quickly backed up igniting his left side in a panick and sent a stream fire to counter. Yori saw fire coming toward her, she stood her ground and let the flames engulfed her. Yori felt the outside flames merge with her flames

Todoroki eyes widened as he saw the child let herself get hit by his flames. Yori stood "Are you crazy or something" He asked as her as he halted his flames.

"This is part of my training when I come visit you Uncle Todoroki" Yori said "You teach me how use my fire properly, build up my resistance and afterwards we have cold soba together" Yori said as she stepped closer to Todoroki. She left scorched footprints on the ground as she got closer to him "You fire is so cool and much stronger than mines uncle and I want use my fire just like you do" She said with a smile on her as she lunged towards Todoroki. "So please come at me with everything you got" she told him

Todoroki went into thought of what she just said as he remember Midoriya using those almost exact words in him. Todoroki smiled a bit before he got serious "Damnit you Midoriya's really know what to say to get people riled up" Todoroki flare up his left side and set another stream of fire at Yori.

"Kitty Flame Charge" Yori said as she dash through the fire towards Todoroki.

Nana and Aoi
"Would you stop breaking my spy-diers" Aoi demanded as Nana had crush another one of her spider robots she created. Aoi had built twenty of the little robots to help with this joint training so she can use them to spy on the other heroes, but now they were being exterminated "You broke 5 already"

"No" Nana said dropped a crush robot on the ground and turned to fast outwards "You know how much I dislike any kind of arachnid creature" she told her as another one began crawling towards her.

"But they're not actually real spiders and you need to treat them as you would treat yourself" Aoi said as she watched her sister pick up another one.

"Killed without hesitation" Nana said as she crushed the bot between her gauntlet and let the pieces fall to the ground.

"Not number 11" Aoi said as tears trailed down her face from her eyes as she was upset over losing one of her robots. She quickly composed herself as she got an alarmed on her goggles, she put them back over her eyes and say that her dad and a few of those who joined him were flying closer to them. "Dad and his team are in position"

"Began phase 2, while I do my typical anime staring off into the horizon, while a breeze of wind blows my hair gently and I think about my past of how I can be who I am" Nana stated as she crossed her arms.

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