The Bird of Prey Enters

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Next day
Both Class 1A and 1b were together in one of the training gyms throughout the entire campus talking amongst themselves about their recent encounter with the big three.

"Man those big three guys don't mess around" Tetsutetsu said as he was talking with Kirishima "that Mirio guy sweep the floor through all of us"

"Same with our class those works studies are really something" Kirishima responded back.

"I tried softening the ground but it still had no effect of him" Honenuki stated.

"So even you guys had trouble it's wicked crazy how good they are" Sero exclaimed.

Almost everyone were in small groups talking and chatting amongst each other except for Monoma who was standing off to side a bit. Yesterday he heard how 1A had got entirely beat by one of the big three members which made him smile and was going to gloat to them about how his class did what 1A couldn't, but eventually him and his classmates met the same fate and were beaten as well, so he kept his mouth shut for now waiting for a moment to one up the other class.

As the conversations continue Nana and Toshi walked in with Nana scribbling on a clipboard and Toshi carrying a ton of notebooks behind her.

Nana approached both classes and set her gazed upon the them "Fall in line it's going to be a busy day for you all" she stated as the did what they were told.

"We're going to be working on quirk training today and to start off I'll have some work on your own and some in groups" Nana told them.

"First group is Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, and Todoroki" She pointed to the three. "Kirishima and Tetsutetsu since your quirks are similar you'll be each fighting each other to cover both your weak points, but the catch is that Todoroki will be hitting the both of you with fire and ice attacks to build up your resistances to temperature." She finished.

"Alright let's do it" Tetsutetsu and Kirishima both said smiling as the dragged Todoroki by his arms.

"Tokoyami and Kuroiro I'm pairing you to together with Kuroiro taking over dark shadow and Tokoyami you try to keep him under control" the two looked At each other silently and nodded.

"Koda and Manga will work volume to and increase the range of quirks and being able to use your voices longer" The two headed off together with Manga asking has he read any good manga lately.

"Setsuna and Pomy aerial mobility"

  "That seems to easy enough" Setsuna looked over to her American friend as she nodded.

  "While Aoyama, Kaminari, Rin, Sero, and the rest of the long range fighters will aim at you" Nana said as she walked past them not noticing the shocked expression on their faces.

"Ochako mom, Yui, and Reiko will work on their lifting training with Toshi aiding a bit here and there" the three looked at one another.

"Iida and father will be paired up and work on speed and kicking techniques" Both boys looked at each other.

  "You ready Midoriya, I won't let you one up me this time" Iida asked him.

  "You bet Iida" Midoriya responded.

"Momo and Monoma I'm pairing you two up" Nana surprising both of them. "I'm pairing the both of as it will be very beneficial to have two creations quirks in situations if needed Momo I want you teach him how to make smaller objects that way you use your quirk to make bigger complex things" she finished.

"Well shouldn't be that hard" Monoma said smugly "I bet I can learn it within the hour"

Nana stared at him "well if you think you can easy master creation I could always have you try out using both Todoroki and Kaminari quirk at the same time as a little experiment" she said grimly "I always wondered what would happen if you try using ice, fire, and lightning at once" a dark aura formed around her as Monoma looked at her scared "or how about you try coping my quirk again I'm sure you should be able to handle it now" she stated to the copy quirk users

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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