Meeting the Three

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Week and half later

Nana was sitting in our bedroom along with Toshi who was crafting something at the desk and Aoi who was brushing her hair on the bed. Yori wasn't in the room at the moment as she was downstairs in kitchen with Himiko watching her mother cut up meat.

'Nana's log' she thought as stare at the readers so they'll get caught up on what happened 'Ever since we took on class A and B things have gotten interesting' she thought as multiple flashbacks were appearing.

"For starters us four got grounded because we technically kidnapped our own mother which is just over exaggerating a bit" Midoriya was shown standing in front of kids with Inko and Ochako as he was upset with them. The kids held their heads down in shame knowing what they did was technically wrong, but even still they did it to help their mom. Midoriya saw their sad expression and looked over to his mother who put an hand on his shoulder and smile at him. Midoriya turn back to the four and gave them a soft expression explaining they were thoughtful for trying to help their mom but even still it was wrong for them to kidnap her so he gave us our punishments.

"Our punishment were kinda of fair in a way"'Nana looked over to Toshi "For my older brother his hero notebook was taken away and literally was grounded as he had to wear quirk bracelets to prevent him from flying for a week"

"For Aoi, she wasn't allowed to go into the support studio and had to join us in the hero course while also having her toolbox taken away" Nana thought as she remembers Aoi would just stand off to the sides and watch the other heroes in training fidgeting with her hair.

"Yori punishment was she couldn't ride on her roomba for the week and to add more salt to the wounds Aoi's mom had somehow managed to get an parking boot on it."

'My punishment was that I wasn't allowed to prank anyone in the entire dorm, but it didn't stop me from putting the empty box of pop tarts back in the snack cabinet, loosen the caps off the salt and pepper shaker, or going to the girls side of the dorm and leaving the toilet seats up' Nana remember how the girls thought it was Mineta who was doing. 'But some good did come out of this.'

'For first class A and B have been getting along quite well, sure there was a bit of rivalry between the classes during the hero lessons, but even then it was all in good fun and after school some of members would come to either our dorm or their dorm to hangout which was enjoyable, Pony has been using these hangout times to be with our father and get to know him better and to say they both learned about each other.' Nana saw Pony and Midoriya were hanging out in the common space one time looking at American comic book heroes, one that involved a billionaire who dressed up in a bat costume, a awkward nerdy teen who got bitten by a spider, and four turtles who were ninjas but had Italian names.

  "Americans are weird" Nana stated out loud as Toshi and Aoi looked over to her. "Your mother is American" Toshi told her, but Nana ignored the

  'Besides Melissa, our other mothers took notice of this and each one had a different reaction, big sis was right about Ochako being a bit of the jealous type, but she soon got over it and started to hang out with Pony as well as the other girls in 1-Bwhile both Mei an Himiko didn't really mind as long as they got their Deku time

Nedzu had made an public announcement that Himiko had been detained by UA, there was a huge commotion of how she was captured and what they were going to do with her. Nedzu told the lie that Himiko had willingly turn herself in for 'a better way to live' which wasn't technically all a lie. He informed the reporters that she would be undergoing an rehabilitation to be able to fit back into society when he explained the situation she was in. Most of them bought it but there were some that believe there was more to the story than UA was telling.

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