Her Burning Spirit

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This is the last chapter on the children's mock exam and then after that two chapters before class 1-A vs Midoriya kids or Green Team or Team Green

Yori Midoriya
Quirk: Blaze Cat- Instead of inheriting her mother's blood transformation quirk her's quirk mutated after her mother's eyes and fangs to allow her to be a fire cat girl. She's also able to shoot fire balls( like her late grandfather Hisashi Midoriya) from her mouth and tail and is able to engulfed her hands in fire to deliver fire punches that's combined with cat reflexes

  "Alright class your next test is tomorrow and I hope you study well, remember to study tonight and make sure you're on time that's all" the lecture professor finished as he gathered his belongings and left along with the rest of his students except for one. A tall, beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes was sitting in the back of the classroom packing her things up. Melissa Shield was her name and ever since the villain hostage situation she wasn't have a good time on the island.

       "Hey Lynn, Winona you guys want to have a study session tonight" Melissa asked her friends. "O-oh um sorry Melissa I have to ummm help my dad in his workshop tonight" Lynn said as she dashed off. "Yeah and I have to umm take my pet parrot to the vet today so sorry"Winona said as she left leaving Melissa behind. *sigh* "Of course they don't want to be around me" Melissa said as she packed up and left out of the classroom. As she walked down the hall many of the other students were staring at her and whispering to one another. "I can't believe they're still letting her go here",  "They probably keeping her to make she doesn't do anything", "I bet her dad was a villain from the start and was waiting for a chance to take down All Might". Melissa heard the comments and each one hurt more then the last.

     Melissa made her way to back to her dorm room threw high things aside and begin to weep softly on her bed. 'This is the worst they all think I'm going be a villain what am I going to do" she said to her Not even my friends don't want to be around me and father is still on house arrest" she finished as she calm herself down. "What am I to do" she sighed to herself as stared out the window "maybe I should leave the island and move to somewhere new, but where." She continued to stare out and her eyes noticed a green bush that reminded her of the hair of that cute boy with freckles and green eyes that saved her, her father, and helped stop that villain along with Uncle Might. "Deku" she said to herself as she received a video call for her Uncle.

    She got up and went to her computer and clicked on the video call and was face to face with All Might in his skinny form. She saw the Kamino Ward incident and was worried about her Uncle going up against that superhero. "Hello uncle Might" she said trying to hide the fact that she was crying. "Hey Melissa I'm sorry it took so long for me to contact you I had other things to do at UA" he said.

   "Not a problem Uncle Might I'm just happy that you're still alright" she said. "So how have things been since they incident happened" All Might asked as he was worried about her.

   "Not too good everyone thinks I'm going to be a villain because what my father did, not even my friends want to hangout with me anymore and father is still on house arrest until further notice" she finished.

  "Well I'm sorry to her that, but there's still hope" All Might continue as Melissa was curious to hear what he has to say. "I talked it over with your father and he and I both agreed that it'll be best if came over to Japan and went to UA." He finished as Melissa was surprise to her that suggestion. "Uncle Might I don't know" she stated as All Might continue, "I know I know it may seem out of the blue but your father didn't want you to be in the same barrel as him for what he did and he thinks you going to UA would be the best option since you made friends with a few of my students." He finished as Melissa ponder on this decision.

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