The day it all began..

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On the day of January 11, XXXX two beautiful twins were born to Rei and Enji Todoroki. Two beautiful twins, both boys, and a head full of hair. One boy was split perfectly between his mother and father, his name Shoto Todoroki, left side he had red hair and a turquoise eye while the right side he had white hair and a beautiful grey eye like his mother. The second twin, Izuku Todoroki, he looked just like their eldest brother, Touya Todoroki. Beautiful white hair and turquoise eyes but had freckles across his cheeks. Rei was so happy to have her twins, and Touya was a proud older brother to watch his two new siblings come into the world. As babies they already had their favorite siblings, Izukus was Touya and Shoto was Fuyumi along with his mother. Izuku would always want to be held by Touya and even Natsuo. Izuku also loved being held by his father and Rei joked on how Izuku likes to be held by Enji and Touya because how warm they are. Which was probably true because when Izuku and Shoto would be next to each other Izuku would cry until he's on Shotos left side which was warmer than his right even as a baby. The family was happy, at least to the public they were but inside that house, no one was happy.

Enji, also known as Endeavor the number two hero, was abusive towards his eldest children. Claiming them to be mistakes, even though he is putting Touya through training that would be considered abusive and traumatic. Touya would push himself until he started burning his skin, Fuyumi who surprisingly was not part of Endeavors training or "mistake" would help Touya and Natsuo until Endeavor had enough of Natsuo and focused more on Touya. When the twins were born Touya was 7 (Turning 8 a week later), Fuyumi was 6, and Natsuo was 5. Touya was proclaimed the masterpiece for Endeavor until he started burning his skin. You could hear his screams and cries through out the entire house as Enji would yell at him to be more of a man and stop crying. As the twins got older, Touya would focus more on spending time with them but Izuku was obviously his favorite. Luckily the twins weren't put through training yet unlike Touya and Natsuo who started before their quirks even came in.

Izuku would always be waiting outside the door for Touya to come out, most times Izuku would watch his father walk out and pat Izukus head and Izuku would run into see his brother on the floor crying. At 3 years old Izuku was very smart for his age, he learned how to take care of Touya by watching his other siblings. Now the time has come for Izuku and Shotos 4th birthday, and hell would await them when their quirks came in. When Izuku wasn't with Touya he would be playing with Shoto and those two were the happiest little boys ever, they would always watch All Might movies and yell the lines "I AM HERE!" while giggling their little hearts out. That's why they were doing until Enji told the boys to get ready so they can go to the quirk doctor. When they arrived, they were brought back immediately due to them being Endeavors children. However, for some reason, the doctor was not only checking for their quirks but Izukus IQ as well. While waiting for their test to come back, Izuku had to take an actual test. It should have taken about an hour for him to finish, even though he wasn't in school yet, Izuku had surprised his father and the doctor when he finished it in 20 minutes and passed it with flying colors. He even did a quirk analysis on his own Father. "Well if he doesn't get a quirk like you or your wife's... it's clear he will have a IQ quirk." The Doctor said surprised. When the test came back the doctor was very confused on Izukus and Enji noticed his confusion before he could say anything the doctor spoke up "Well, good news both boys will have very powerful quirks... but I'm confused on Izukus... however, Little Shoto has two quirks, fire and ice." The boys got excited and started jumping around as Izuku yelled "Toto you got two quirks!! You're so cool!" The doctor and Enji chuckled at that and the nickname. "What about Izuku?" Enji asked and the doctor nodded "Well that's the thing, I'm not exactly sure what his quirk will be. It's similar to Shotos but it's coming up as a fire quirk." The doctor said confused and Izuku was thinking "What if it is a flame quirk and I can lower my fire tempe-tempera- t-t "Temperature?" The doctor asked interrupting Izuku who nodded "Yeah that big word, to make my flames really cold or really hot like Daddy can!" Izuku said surprising the others. After a few seconds of silence the doctor had spoken up "Actually, that would make sense as to why it's a flame quirk but it also shows up and an ice quirk as well" Enji was surprised at how both of his boys had gotten extremely powerful quirks.

"Now, Shotos should be coming in within the next couple weeks but Izukus, could take a little longer, the rest didn't come back with an around time for his quirk to come in but I'm sure it will appear soo- *achoo* *WHOSH*.... or now" the doctor was saying before Izuku had sneezed and went up in flames. Enji and Shotos eyes widen looking at Izuku who was covered in flames and not getting burnt by them. "Izuku, before you put those flames out, try to think of them being cold as ice for me" the doctor asked and that's exactly what Izuku did, the temperature in the room dropped quickly and was starting to frost over and his flames went to white "Now really hot" the doctor quickly said as he shivered. Izuku nodded and his head and his flames went straight to blue and turned the chair to ash. "Shut them off" the doctor said quickly once again as the heat was too much for everyone. Within seconds Izuku had controlled his quirk and shut his flames down as everyone was starring at him in shock. Shoto whined saying it was fair and stomped his foot making ice fly out from underneath his foot and freeze the floor. His eyes widen with everyone else's "Toto try using your other side to melt the ice" Izuku said softly Shoto focused on his fire side but it wasn't working which the doctor said it was completely fine given he has two quirks. Izuku used his red flames and melted the ice. Enji had no idea on how to handle what he just seen, he was filled with different emotions, happiness, shock, excitement and over joy'd to start his training with them. "Well boys, Shotos quirk already has a name called Half Cold Half Hot, but Izukus does not, which we will let you pick a name for it!" The doctor cheered. Izuku thought for a minute and looked at his Dad about to ask what he should call it until his eyes widened "HellFrost! Since it's kind of like Daddy's quirk" Izuku said with a bright smile that was equal to the sun. Enji had a smile on his face and picked both of his boys up hugging them and walking out the door as the doctor told them it was complete and they were able to leave. Enji took both boys out to get ice cream but told them not to tell the others so they don't get yelled at by their mom for having ice cream before dinner.

When the three arrived home Izuku ran right to Touya and told him all about his quirk and everyone was surprised by how much he knew. Shoto excitedly told them about his also. As the family was happy from what they heard, they were also worried for the twins knowing that both of them have powerful quirks was going to end badly with training. Which started the next day, Enji woke both boys up around 5:30 in the morning and started their training by lunch Shoto was covered in frost, and Izuku was close to passing out. Izuku held Shoto close against him so he wouldn't be so cold since his flames haven't come in yet. They ate their lunch and 15 minutes later they were dragged back into training. Izuku had thrown up and passed out as Shoto was passed out covered in frost. Their siblings busted through the door running towards the boys and Enji was pissed that they couldn't last that long. Enji had burned Touya even more than he was already getting burned and took Izuku in his arms as Fuyumi took Shoto and they ran out of the room. Touya took Izuku too his room and cleaned him putting him in new clothes and laid down with him.

This continued for 6 months, Touya was almost completely covered in burns, Izuku had scars across his body, the final straw was when Rei had burned Shoto. Touya couldn't take it anymore and started packing a bag, before he went through the window Izuku had come in his room and looked at him surprised. Touya rushed to Izuku hugging him "I'm so sorry Izu but I can't be here anymore" Touya cried out quiet not to wake anyone. "Take me with you" Izuku whispered, Touyas eyes widened and he tried to say he couldn't that it wasn't safe for him "No please Touya, I can't take it anymore, it's obvious Shoto is his masterpiece not me, please. Take me with you" Izuku cried out showing Touya new burn marks on him. Touya hesitated but nodded "Let's go get you a bag packed okay?" He said and Izuku shook his head "I already packed one, and one with a bunch of food for us" Izuku whispered surprising his older brother. Izuku walked to the door and pointed at two bags and Touya smiled, picking them up and the two left the house running away.

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