Chapter 9

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The two walked through the portal to be greeted with everyone there. Tomura ran up to Izuku and hugged him tightly which took Izuku by surprise, "If you ever call me that again without a damn warning I might smack the hell out of you." Tomura said making Dabi and Izuku laugh. "Sorry, I panicked I didn't want to call you Tomura in front of them" Izuku said and Tomura looked up at him "Them?" He asked. "We lost track of time and all of our siblings showed up before we could hide. They just walked right in and didn't knock." Dabi said and everyone nodded. There was a few moments of silence until they heard a voice through the tv "Did you two have fun seeing your mom again?" AFO asked. Izuku and Dabi smiled and said yes "Thank you for letting us go see her" Izuku said as a tear fell down his cheek. "I think you both know why I let you go, you both needed it and I understand why, but you are welcome. I hope you enjoyed your time with them all" AFO said happily "We did thanks Dad For One" Izuku said with a smirk making Kurogiri drop a glass and AFO to chuckle "You're welcome Son" AFO replied and Izuku got flustered because he wasn't expecting it at all. Tomura didn't know how to react to that comment "Don't worry Tomura it doesn't mean you're brothers. Him and Dabi are more like son in laws" AFO said with a smirk making Dabi and the others laugh while Tomura got flustered and Izuku went up in flustered flames. "DONT SAY STUFF LIKE THAT!" Tomura yelled out making everyone laugh harder.

The night carried on as everyone went to bed Izuku couldn't help but lay there feeling like he might have made things worse for his siblings knowing they were still alive. 'Mom was the only one supposed to know that we were still alive, I wasn't ready to come face to face with my siblings... especially Shoto. I didn't want him knowing we were still alive. Not yet anyways, I just wanted to see mom and she made everything better. I had to lie to all of my siblings when I should have been more careful with the time. I should have paid attention so we could have left without them seeing us.' Izuku thought to himself. He looked in the mirror and seen his reflection but it wasn't happy, the memories of him being a child came back before they got their quirks seeing Touya being beaten and covered in blood. Him and Shoto playing promising they would be the best heroes when they got older. When they got their quirks, he remembers that day all too well. A memory that would never leave his mind, the training, the abuse from Endeavor, when it was just him and Izuku he would change, he would change into a monster, a child's worse fears. The burns, the beating, the yelling saying if he couldn't handle this he would never handle anything. A four year old boy, who may be at a genius level when it comes to smarts but he was a four year old little boy that just got his quirk. He wasn't even sure just what he could do, he couldn't produce large flames like his father or Touya, he was a little boy.

Somewhere through the middle of reliving his mirrors tears started to pour down his face, he punched the mirror shattering it to pieces has the glass cut his fist. He kept screaming at his fathers words in his head to stop and leave him alone but they couldn't he kept whispering for them to stop until he had enough. "JUST SHUT UP AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!" He sobbed on his bathroom floor but he didn't know the whole league was standing outside the door. Dabi opened the door and gasped at what he say, the shattered glass everywhere, blood all over the sink and counter and his baby brother. Dabi scooped Izuku up and sat on his bed rocking him "Izu, it's me. You're okay, you're not back there. You're not with him anymore Izu." Dabi kept whispering to him as the league had tears in their eyes. Izuku couldn't calm down and Dabi remembered the song their mom would sing to both of them when they both had scars on them.

Broken all the pieces I've been shaping lately
Focused on the things that didn't make no sense
Guess that growing up was never meant to be easy
Yeah, I got used to doing everything sideways
Didn't really care about how everyone felt
Hiding my emotions down in different ashtrays

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