Chapter 13

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The next Friday, it was All Mights funeral for close friends and family along with his students. However, in a certain base there were villains having a party as one was throwing a pity party for himself because he still felt bad for the students who had to watch his brutal end but he quickly recovered and realized that even if he hadn't done that the whole world would watch him fall and if the students couldn't watch death happen in front of them how could they be heroes? Sure almost all of them weren't going into the underground where most things like this happen but still, you can't go your whole life as a pro hero without dealing with death itself. The party continued even though a lot of them couldn't drink they still had fun.

Only problem now is, what the hell are they going to do now that they killed All Might? That was their goal for years and now that it's done, what do they do? The weekend carried over until Izuku had gotten a call from Kai, when Izuku answered his heart dropped. "Hey Izu, I need you to take Eri, the heroes are planning a raid in the next two days on our hideout to try and take her. She had a bandage on her arm when she was playing with Rappa and they are accusing us of torturing her. If you're able to have someone watch her and you guys help us in this raid I will pay the league and be willing to work with you guys in the future. I just need Eri safe, please Izuku. Protect her." Izuku was silent before looking at the league that had a worried expression on their faces. "Toga and Dad can watch her, we will join the fight with you. I'll be damned if I'll let some damn heroes try and take you guys down for some bullshit like that. Let me know when we're needed, we will be there in seconds. I will have Kurogiri warp me to your hide out now and bring Eri here to stay with us." Izuku said in a "I mean business" voice. Kai thanked him and they said their goodbyes. Dabi offered to go to help carry her stuff and Izuku agreed.

The portal opened and they stepped through right into Kais office, scaring everyone in the room. "Oh I didn't expect to be right in your office, I apologize for that. Now let's get Eri out of here as fast as we can" Izuku said and the others nodded, even if their leadership is to Kai they all respect Izuku. They are well aware of how dangerous and intelligent he is, Chrono walked with them to Eri's room where Rappa and Nemoto were helping Eri pack up all of her things. Chrono offered to help carry all of her belongings to the base since they had an extra room set up and Toga and the others are currently fixing it up for Eri. Izuku and Dabi accepted the help and continued to pack all of her belonging. About 30 minutes later the room looked like it was just a guest room or one of the members and not a child. All of them walked through the portal into Eri's new room, Toga said she would take Eri to her room so we can all set up. Chrono, Nemoto, and Rappa had to go back and Izuku nodded and said we could all handle it from there, which they did. Izuku had Dabi, Twice, Spinner and Compress come help them. Izuku and Compress went to the store to get a few things for Eri's new room. Izuku's goal was to have Eri's room finish by tonight before bed time and it to be the best room in the whole base. Compress put all their bags and everything inside the same marble so that helped them a lot. By the end of it, they walked through the portal into Eri's room and a lot was done so far. Compress waved his hand and everything that was the in marble was now in the middle of the floor. Everyone looked at Izuku "Yeah I may have gone a little overboard... oops?" Everyone chuckled at Izuku and they got to work. With all the help it only took 4 hours to complete everything, the guys looked around the room with a proud smirk on their faces. "Well, now we gotta make sure all our hard work is worth it" Spinner said and everyone agreed.

Kurogiri called for dinner and the guys got excited to hear that, it sounded like a damn stampede coming down the stairs. Half way through of them running down the stairs they tripped on one of Eri's toys and they became a dog pile of the bottom of the stairs, unfortunately Izuku was on the bottom. "Get your fat asses off of me!" Izuku yelled muffled by Dabis back on his face. They heard laughing and they all got off of Izuku who glared at them. Twice offered his hand and Izuku didn't take it. "The floor has now become my home." Izuku said with a straight face before bursting into laughter and taking Twices hand to get up. Eri sat on Izukus lap as they all ate dinner. Once they were finished the guys were excited to take Eri to her room as everyone else was. Izuku carried her to the door, put her down and opened the door for her. She gasped as her eyes lit up "it's beautiful Izu-Nii!" Eri yelled out.

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