Chapter 14

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3rd POV

After the unsuccessful raid and the phone call, Aizawa and his students hurried back to UA. Nezu had contacted Endeavor and said he needed to come to UA immediately with his family including his wife. That worried Endeavor a lot but he agreed and said they would all be on their way. As Aizawa and his students arrived back to UA they seen the Todoroki family arrive. Rei looked like a ball of anxiety at its highest but they pushed it away since she hasn't been outside her hospital room in over 10 years. They all walked in the school but stopped by Class 1-A to grab Shoto. Aizawa opened the door with Endeavor by his side. "Shoto Todoroki, we need you to come with us. You're not in any trouble but we need to talk to you." Aizawa said and everyone looked surprised. Shoto got up leaving his bag behind and followed them he was surprised to see his whole family and that worried him a lot. Once they arrived at the teachers lounge, they all sat down at the meeting table.

"Glad you all could make it here in such short notice." Nezu greeted and he sat at the head of the table. Everyone nodded "So, let's get into this quickly, Eraser and his students had a mission to raid the Yakuza base in search of a little girl named Eri who was said to be assaulted, they found no trace of any child at the base. But that's not why you're here. The LOV showed up during the raid, the leader, or who we believe is the leader had done a couple things that made us put things together, we believe he is a teenager." Nezu said and Rei tensed up, it didn't go unnoticed by Nezu or Endeavor. "He also noticed that two fire users look almost exactly a like but different ages, they both also resemble Young Shoto here as well." Nezu said and Rei started to shake a little bit. "Rei, are you alright?" Endeavor asked and she froze "I'm fine." She replied quickly, too quickly. She was horrified of what they might do to their sons if they found them. Usually she could play it off as she doesn't know anything but not when they brought her whole family to UA and now the heroes are starting to find out what her sons are. "Mrs. Todoroki, do you know anything that could be helpful for us to catch them?" Nezu asked and Rei looked away "I can't be here right now." She said and tried to escape the room but Endeavor caught her. She tried her hardest to get out of his hold as her children were shocked to see their mother act like that.

Endeavor kept telling her to calm down and she couldn't hold back anymore "NO YOURE NOT TAKING MY BABIES AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!" She yelled and realized how badly she just messed up. She started crying "Damn it damn it DAMN IT! I wasn't supposed to say anything... DAMN IT!" She yelled through her sobs as Endeavor held her tightly against him. "N-No.... it... it can't be them..." Shoto said surprised as tears started to form in his eyes. Rei looked at her son the down. "I'm sorry Shoto, I know who they are AND I WONT LET YOU THROW THEM IN JAIL OR KILL THEM! I WONT TELL YOU ANYTHING ABOUT MY BABIES! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN THROUGH DAMN IT! OR WHAT THEY STILL GO THROUGH ESPECIALLY MY IZU! So... so no. I wont say anything that can harm them. I wont, throw me in prison if you'd like but I will not snitch on my children." Rei said as tears poured down her face, everyone in the room was surprised. "Ah yes, a mother's love. Mrs. Todoroki, we don't want to put any of them in jail. We believe almost all of them but about 3 are teenagers, I want them to come to UA and be the first to participate in the villain rehabilitation program. Now, the ones who are over 18 may be a little difficult but if my guess is correct. Dabi is Touya Todoroki, who would be around 23 years old and Pyro is Izuku Todoroki who is 15 currently correct?" Nezu said and everyone was surprised. Rei slowly nodded her head "You won't hurt them?" She said low enough and if it wasn't silent no one would have heard her. "Absolutely not, now Izuku may be a little difficult with how high his murder count is, and being the number one Villain but he's also only 15. If we can get him to prove that he is just a normal teenager who needs therapy I think we can get them all out from prison." Nezu said with Aizawa nodded.

"B-but... I thought... I thought they were dead?" Endeavor said surprised as tears started to flood his eyes. Everyone in the room shook their head "We seen them again around 6 months ago, it was the last time we seen or heard from them. Izu begged us not to tell you, Touya told us that he still has nightmares of the past before they both ran away... he's horrified of you Dad..." Fuyumi said with tears and Endeavor couldn't hold his tears any longer, he dropped down to his knees and Rei held him. "Enji, sweetie, he knows you have changed. He's so happy that he changed and you aren't the same person anymore but you need to understand he hasn't been around you, all he remembers is the old you. That's why he had a grudge against All Might, well one of the reasons. I didn't believe him when he said he was going to kill All Might, I could see the rage in his eyes but I didn't want to believe it. When Touya excused him self from the room Izuku had told me that there are many reasons he hates All Might, but the main reason he wanted to get rid of him was so you could finally be the Number One hero, he may be scared of you but he loves you Enji. You are his father." Rei said and everyone was shocked at what they just heard, again.. "Mom... why didn't you tell us?" Natsuo asked. Rei sighed and took her seat again. "I couldn't, when Izuku had lied to you all I knew why, he was protecting you guys. Especially shoto, he was never as close to Yumi and Nat since him and Touya were inseparable and he is Shotos twin. He has always wanted Touya, even when he was a baby. He didn't want you three to get hurt nor have your father's reputation get thrown out due to his sons being villains. Even if they are villains, Izuku will protect you all no matter what.... Along With Katsuki Bakugo." Rei said and everyone looked at her in shock. "Huh!?" Everyone yelled making Rei chuckle. "No one but Touya, Izuku and Bakugo know this but they were actually childhood friends. Bakugo had to move when they were younger and they haven't been in contact since. If you don't mind, I would like to meet Bakugo and thank him for what he did for my son when they were younger." Rei said with a sad smile. Nezu hesitated but told Aizawa to take her to class 1-A.

Rei and Aizawa stood up but the rest followed, once they arrived at the door they all walked in "Excuse me, I was wondering if Katsuki Bakugo was here" Rei said and he stood up "Can I help you with something?" Katsuki said in an irritated voice but tried being nice. Rei chuckled "I see you still have that explosive attitude like he said you did" Rei said and Bakugo was all types of confused. "Let me ask you this.... does the name 'Kacchan' ring a Bell?" She asked and Bakugo eyes widen "H-How do you know that name? Hikori gave me that nickname when we were kids" he said and everyone except Rei was confused "Oh yeah, I forgot he went by that name. Well, his real name is Izuku Todoroki. His older brother is Touya Todoroki. My missing sons who were pronounced dead years ago" Rei said but she walked over to Bakugo and hugged him and everyone gasped "Thank you, please don't be mad at my son for lying to you about his real name.. he did it to protect him and his brother. But I thank you Bakugo for protecting my son when he was bullied by the other kids. He asked me if I ever got to meet you before he does too tell you, that he loves you and that you will always be his hero" Rei said and Bakugo was in so much shock he didn't realize he was crying. He hugged Rei back as she rubbed his back trying to calm him down as everyone was in shock at what they were witnessing. After a few minutes Bakugo had calmed down and thanked Rei for telling her that. Rei smiled and said that she hopes when the truth comes out that he will listen to him and try to understand his reasonings for his way of life. Bakugo was confused but nodded and agreed. With that, they headed back to the meeting room. To talk more on what to do with the league.

Btw, this is what Izuku's body looks like, scars and all but he has black (sometimes white) hair and same eye color as Dabi

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Btw, this is what Izuku's body looks like, scars and all but he has black (sometimes white) hair and same eye color as Dabi.

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