Chapter 12

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Once the group had gotten back to base, AFO was there waiting for them but something wasn't right. Everyone sat down and it was silent, until they heard sobs, everyone turned and seen the sobs coming from Izuku. Dabi was quick to react to wrap his younger brother in a hug and hold him, but everyone was confused on why he was crying. Izuku sobbed for minutes after about 20 minutes his sobs turned to sniffles. "I... I let my emotions get the best of me... I didn't want those students to watch it but my emotions got the better of me before I could tell Kurogiri to send them somewhere else away from everything." Izuku whispered and AFO was confused as ever. "I killed All Might brutally in front of a bunch of teenagers..." Izuku said loudly in a voice filled with sorrow and AFO didn't know how to react to what he just heard. "Touya... take him to his room... or yours either or take him somewhere else" AFO said and Dabi nodded, he knew when AFO would use his real name that it was serious. Dabi picked Izuku up and carried him to his bedroom.

"What happened?" AFO asked, it was silent for a moment but toga stood up and started explaining "We arrived there, and Kurogiri sent 5 students away, Shoto being one of them. As the rest of the class, All Might and Eraser were fighting off Twices clones. Izuku called Eraser out that he was doing everything quirkless... we were all confused on why he would say that but when All Might said it was because he was a pro hero and had a useful quirk... Izu snapped... his flames went blood red and we were all confused on why he snapped... he started screaming about a boy who was quirkless but killed himself because all might told him he couldn't be a hero that well, basically, it was good to dream but the boy needed to be realistic. It crushed the boy and he killed himself because of it.... Izu called for Naien and Shiro and they tore All Might apart... Izu froze his body and Shiggy decayed his body... and well... now we are here.." AFO was surprised at what he heard, but before he could say anything Tomura spoke up "That boy.... he was Izukus first friend.. Izuku was the only one who treated him like an actual person, the kid would be bullied and used as a quirk testing dummy for his classmates. Izuku and Dabi wanted to go on a rampage and kill them all but the boy said it was okay... Izuku found out that he was also being abused at home and Izuku was the only thing left that boy had... until All Might said those words to him... he killed himself later that night.. he didn't want to be a hero like All Might. He wanted to be an underground hero like eraser..." everyone was in shock, it all made sense as to why Izuku hated all might... he was the reason his first friend had left him and would never come back, he ruined that boys dreams of be coming a hero. That explained why Eraser reacted the way he did when he heard that.... because at the end of the day Eraserhead had to do almost everything quirkless.

As the night went on everyone was worried about Izuku, Dabi had come down and sat on the couch. No one would talk no matter how badly they wanted too. After a few minutes Dabi spoke up "He's asleep, Shiro and Naien are laying with him right now... he's not upset that he killed all might... he's upset that his emotions got the best of him and he let the students watch all might die instead of taking them somewhere else. He calmed down when I told him that Shoto didn't see it happen that he protected his brother like he planned, I also told him that none of the students were harmed at all that the clones didn't even fight their hardest against them so they didn't harm them. That seemed to make him happy and he passed out, Shiro and Naien nodded to me in I'm guessing a way to tell me that he will be okay" Dabi continued. AFO nodded and said that since he is okay he will be taking his leave, everyone nodded or waved but they were all worried about Izuku... the media had gotten news of what happened. Dabi laughed a little when they called Izuku the leader and Tomura chuckled a little also but they were glad to hear that their faces, and identities were safe from the media and everyone else. After a while, they all decided to go to bed, Touya slept in Izus room since his room was occupied by two big ass cats and his little brother. Around 4 in the morning Izuku had woken up being cuddled by his cats he smiled and managed to get up, but he woke them up. They looked at him and asked him where he was going, Izuku told them he wanted to go to Tomura and the cats agreed but stayed on the bed and went back to sleep. Izuku silently made his way to Tomuras room, and slid his way into bed under Tomuras arm. Tomura groaned and woke up "Izu?" "Mhm, let's go back to sleep" Izuku answered nuzzling his head into Tomuras chest who agreed to go back to sleep.

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