Chapter 8

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The two walked through the doors and some people looked at them weird but they ignored it, they walked to the desk "Hello gentleman how can I help you today?" The lady said cheerfully. "We're here to see Rei Todoroki" Dabi said nicely, the lady looked surprised a little bit agreed and gave them her room number. The two were surprised she said that without taking their name, and honestly it kind of pissed them off but thanked her and headed up to the room she was in. Izuku went to knock on the door but paused, Dabi grabbed his hand and nodded to him. They took a deep, shaky, breath and Izuku knocked on the door, they heard a quite "Come in" Dabi was the one who opened the door as Izuku hid behind his brother. Rei looked at the boys, after a few seconds her eyes widened. "T-Touya?" She asked to which Dabi nodded. "Where's Izuku? Please tell me hes okay? Is my baby okay?" Rei asked while starting to tear up, Izuku took a step out from behind Dabi and smiled softly at her. She jumped up and hugged both boys as her and Izuku cried as they returned her hug.

Rei let go of the hug and told the boys to sit down and she would get them some tea she just made. The boys sat down, Izuku sat down next to Dabi, almost on his lap. Dabi ruffled his hair and told him he would be okay. "I thought you boys were dead, everyone gave up on looking for you two and it broke me when I heard the news. How did you two survive all these years?" Rei asked as she sat down the tray of tea. "Actually, it was mainly all Izu" Dabi said making Izuku flustered with embarrassment. "I stole dads credit card and basically raided the atm machines.." Izuku said shyly, Rei was silent for a minute before exploding in laughter which soon the two boys followed her. After they calmed down "You stole your fathers credit card at 4 years old? How did you even know the code?" Rei asked. Izuku giggled a little "He would take me with him to places and I soon memorized his code after watching him putting it in so many times. I told Touya to go to all the atms around our house so we couldn't be tracked by it, we were only able to get like $5,000 in cash but we made it last for a while thanks to me." Izuku said and Dabi nodded "He may have been 4 but he smarter than I thought he was" Dabi said and Rei smiled at that. "How did you boys continue like that?" Rei asked. Both boys tensed which didn't go unnoticed by Rei, "We uh... well mom.. we're um... we're villains now.." Izuku said shyly. Reid's eyes widened as she gasped but she couldn't stop the giggle that came out surprising the two boys. "Let me guess, your the Pyro duo I've heard so much about? And my guess is Touya is now Dabi, and you are.... Pyro?" Rei said and the two boys were stunned they could only nod as an answer. Rei smiled softly at them "Listen you two, I may not be proud of what you two have done, but you two are alive and healthy and hopefully safe and that's all I could ever ask for. I'm so happy I can see you two boys again, after all these years I thought I'd never be able to see you two but here we are. In this room, you are Touya and Izuku Todoroki, anything out of this room will be left unsaid because I don't want to know about it.... but that will be for after you two explain how you survived all these years by yourself and how Touya was able to take care of you at such a young age." The boys nodded and started yelling her everything from the start until now. Izuku accidentally exposed his relationship with Tomura which made Touya start laughing his ass off.

Rei was a mix of emotions, she just found out her two sons are alive and healthy, Touya matured so young and took care of his baby brother playing the father role, they stayed in abandoned places, both of them graduated and Izuku would soon start high school, Izuku was gay and happy in a relationship but what stunned her the most was how their new father figure for both boys was the Number One, most feared, Villain All For One. Rei knew Endeavor had changed and when she brought that up it caused some emotions to rise in Izuku and he couldn't hold back from crying. Rei was quick to take Izuku into her arms as Izuku sobbed quietly while hugging her. Touya explained how Izuku felt about it and her heart hurt from those words. What none of them noticed... was it was going on 4 o'clock and Fuyumi and their other siblings had walked in on seeing their mother Hold two boys with Snow White hair crying. The three froze in their spots as the other two tensed. A strong tension filled the room and no one knew what to do. Izuku made eye contact with Shoto and the tears wouldn't stop falling down their faces. Shoto and Izuku jumped up running to each other and hugged as they cried.

Fuyumi and Natsuo went straight to Touya hugging him tightly. Once they all settled down questions started flying through the air, Izuku and Touya looked at each other not knowing what to do until Rei hopped in and told them all to stop asking questions. The two runaways didn't want the others to know they were villains so Izuku quickly came up with an excuse "Touya was the one who raised me, we stayed at a couple abandoned places. Touya graduated high school and I finished my schooling a couple years ago up until high school. We each have different jobs, and we live with a friend of Touyas right now since we don't use our real names since we were declared dead. We're happy where we are and no offense to you guys but we don't want to come back." Izuku said and Touya was quick to hide the surprise on his face along with Rei. Rei knew that story wasn't a complete lie but it wasn't the whole truth yet she understood why they did that. Shoto was going to go UA to become a hero and the other two would most likely tell Endeavor they were villains and go on a hunt for them. The three nodded and said they were just happy to see that they were alive which made Izuku and Touya happy. However, Touya was the one who spoke up and said they didn't want Endeavor to know that they were alive. "Listen, we don't want Endeavor knowing we're still alive. Not yet anyways, he may have changed to you three but it still doesn't change how we feel about him. So please, do not tell him you seen us. If you do, we will never speak to anyone of you again. I raised Izuku, picking up and taking the father role he never had. I have watched him cry, wake up screaming from having nightmares, go many nights with out sleep, all because of the memories he has with him. I have my own issues to deal with but Izuku comes before that, so do not tell him we are alive." Izuku looked at Touya surprised by the words he just heard, tears were easily falling down his face as he hugged Touya. Seeing this, the three siblings agreed not to tell anyone that they were alive. They would only speak about them when they were with their mother. Shortly after Izuku received a phone call from Tomura. "You better answer that" Touya said and Izuku smacked him playfully. "Hey Tenko" Izuku answered and Touya choked on his drink and Tomura did the same thing on the other line. "Yeah we will be back soon, we lost track of time." ... "okay I'll let you know" ... "Ha, I kick your ass in Mario Kart everytime you can't beat me even if you tried hard enough" ... "Hehe okay bye" Izuku hung up the phone as Touya was currently in the fooor laughing his ass off and everyone was just staring at Izuku in shock of the phone call. "How'd he react to you calling him Tenko?" Touya said trying to stop laughing, "he did the same thing you did" Izuku said and they started laughing all over again. "He pry thought you were gonna kill him" Touya said through laughs. Izuku couldn't stop laughing as he was on the floor next to Touya "you only call him that when your pissed off with him" Touya continued. "Uh what just happened?" Shoto asked. The two quickly stopped laughing and turned to see everyone looking confused.

"Izuku probably scared the hell out of his boyfriend by calling him his real name instead of a nickname when he answered the phone" Touya said exposing his little brother "YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?" All three yelled at the same time making Rei giggle. Izuku shyly nodded. "Yeah, took him long enough. Me and the others waited too long for them to finally be together. That was the longest six months of our lives. We were about to play Cupid ourselves until they came back from a date one night" Touya explained and Izuku pouted "I'll send Shiro on you if you keep exposing my love life Touya" Izuku said and Touya tensed "Yup, any other questions Izu answers" Touya said quickly as Izuku smirked. "Who's Shiro?" Rei asked "My cat, he does not like Touya at all. Funny thing is, the cat looks just like us. White fur and turquoise eyes" Izuku answered and Touya nodded. Izuku didn't want to expose his full quirk knowing Shoto might recognize one of the cats if they ever had to battle against each other. They talked for a little longer until it was almost dinner time and visiting hours would end soon. Izuku and Touya gave everyone a hug and said their goodbyes.

Once out of the hospital the two looked at each other "This can either be bad or good you know that right?" Touya asked and Izuku nodded. "Especially with Shoto going to UA, we didn't watch the time but I also didn't expect them to show up either" Izuku said and Touya agreed. "Well let's call Mamagiri to take us back, Tomu thinks he can kick my ass in Mario Kart" Izuku said while laughing a little. Touya nodded and texted Kurogiri to open a portal for them.

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