Chapter 18

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Izuku POV

We could hear the yelling down the hall, you could hear Iida yelling at people to try and get the class to settle down and Kacchan telling him to shut the fuck up. "EVERYONE SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I heard Compress yell and Aizawa and I both stopped and looked at each other surprised. "I SAID SHUT UP!" Compress yelled again and it was silent. We slowly walked to the door not making a sound. "I don't know what he does in home room, or what to do but I do have a teaching degree and I'm sure most of you haven't finished your homework so take out what you need and I will help you with it if you need help. Until Aizawa comes back, either continue to work on homework or study." We heard rustling around but no voices. Aizawa and I were surprised, Aizawa looked at me and I nodded. He opened the door and some people gasped. "Aizawa Sensei! Why are you dressed up?" Iida asked "That is none of your concern Iida now go back to what I just told you to do!" Compress said sternly. "Thank you compress, I didn't get time to check on what we were doing today so for now students. Continue with your work Problem child, give me another coffee" Aizawa said I chuckled and grabbed a coffee handing it to him using my quirk to heat it up for him. "I love fire quirks now" he mumbled quietly but I still heard him. "You're welcome" I whispered and he nodded. I took my seat next to Tomura.

After a little while, compress was helping Kaminari with his work and Kirishima needed help. I walked over to him "Did you need help?" I asked and he nodded. The question was easy for me since I've done this already but I understood why they were struggling, I looked around and seen a few people struggling one of those being Compress with Kaminari. "Alright! Who is having problems with question 9 in Math?" I asked and almost everyone's had went up. Compress was looking at me with a raised eyebrow "You know the answer don't you?" He asked and I nodded. "This question is actually a higher education problem to throw everyone off. So everyone look up to the board and I'll explain it. I wont give you the answer to every problem you need help with but if Katsuki, Shoto, Iida and Momo are struggling also I'll do it for this." I said and they all nodded. Aizawa was even looking at me, he sat down in my desk and I could tell he didn't even understand this problem. I wrote the question on the board.

Not even gonna lie I wanted Izuku to show off, I found this and everything with it on Google. 😂 he is saying everything in red and writing the other on the bored he also explained how he got it all, but don't expect me to explain it cuz I haven't been in school in 6 years. I know this is probably an easy question but I'm going to make it seem like it's a hard ass question.

(2x-3y4)3(x3 + y)0

Everyone looked at me surprised but they seemed to understand

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Everyone looked at me surprised but they seemed to understand. Kaminari and Kirishima looked ready to cry. After that, they finished the math homework, "Does anyone else need help? With any subject?" I offered and a few hands went up. "Mina?" I asked "I need help studying for our science test. I don't understand any of this" she said and a few people agreed. I was next to Kirishima who agreed and asked if I could look at it. He handed me the paper and I smirked. "Hey Tomu, remember that song I made up to help you with DNA and all that?" I asked and he nodded. "Hell yeah, I passed my test with flying colors because of it" he replied. "Alright, I'm guessing you all like music right?" I asked and everyone nodded. "Good, listen closely cuz I'm not repeating this song. Make sure to take notes with everything I say also" I said and everyone got a paper out "I'll also help you if you missed some, the others can as well because I sang this song to Tomura and Toga so many damn times it's stuck in their heads... Ready?" I asked and everyone nodded.

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