Chapter 21

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Izuku POV

As expected once that door opened and we all walked out. Kacchan, Tomu, and Hawks came to us. Tomu jumped on me wrapping around me like a koala. "I'm so sorry Izu" he said crying and that surprised the hell out of me. "Sorry for what baby?" I asked "I didn't know you had to go through all of that and watching your friend die. I'm so sorry" he said crying harder. I smiled a little and kissed his head "It's okay babe, please don't cry." I said rubbing his back. "Hey Izuku.." I turned my head to look at Kacchan "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I left and had to leave you when we were kids but I'm glad I got to meet you. And I'm sorry for what you went through" he said and I smiled "It's all good. It wasn't youre fault that you had to move." I said and he nodded and Shoto came behind him wrapping arm around his waist causing him to blush. "Well. What now?" I asked as we looked over to Touya who was blushing and talking to Hawks. "Aww the burnt chicken nugget found a chicken nugget" Tomura teased. Shoto and I had to hold back a laugh. "Aww the little Kitty finally found a master" Touya came back with and Tomura got flustered and told him to fuck off. Kacchan started laughing and Tomura and Touya looked at him. "Shoto tame your dog!" Touya yelled out and I laughed. "Let's take this petting zoo back to the dorms" I said and started walking away I heard a Yelp and seen Shoto carrying Kacchan the same way I have Tomu. Touya and Hawks were just walking next to us. "Eri will be happy her ship sailed and one is one its way to sailing" I whispered to Tomu who chuckled and agreed.

Once we made it back to the dorms there were a few people who were in the common room. I was surprised the league wasn't here but I didn't say anything. Kaminari and Kirishima waved at us and were surprised to see Kacchan and Shoto like that. I smirked and continued my way to the elevator where my brothers followed "I'm going to my room" Shoto said and Touya and I agreed. It was a rough day "Later, if were allowed to leave. We are so going to get cold soba, and chicken if you wanna come with us Hawks." I said and everyone agreed. "If I'm with you you should be able to leave anyway, and we have Shoto and Bakugo with us as well" Hawks said and I nodded "Oh... call me Keigo, Izuku." He said and I looked at him surprised but smiled "Alrighty... also. If you hurt my brother. Say goodbye to your wings." I said with a smile as I walked off the elevator. "Well... there's one way to warn him" Tomu said and I chuckled. "Touya deserves to be happy, his whole life as always been about me and it's time he focuses on himself. If his happiness is Keigo than so be it, I'm not going to hold him back but I'll be damned if my brother gets hurt because of a damn chicken." I said and Tomu laughed. He kissed me softly as I reached the door and I kissed him back "Can't you wait till your in your room for that?" Touya asked I broke the kiss and turned around to see him and Keigo. "Oh shut up, if we get the okay, meet in the common room at 6 so we can go get food." I told him and he nodded. He walked into his room and before I walked into mine Keigo stopped me. I turned towards him "Can I talk to you?" He asked nervously I looked at Touya who was just as confused as I was and back to him "Sure" I said and opened the door Tomu got off of me and struggled to crawl up the stairs to my bed but laid down.

I sat down on the other bed and told Keigo he can sit on the couch or the chair. He took the chair and sighed "I'm going to be completely honest with you okay? Please don't be mad at me.." he started and I raised and eyebrow. "I really do like your brother, you were still a baby or toddler when him and I first met as kids. We were really good friends back then and all he talked about was how proud of a big brother he was. I had a crush on him back then just like I do now. I'll admit when I was a kid and found out Endeavor was your guys dad I liked him a little more but... Endeavor was my favorite hero as a kid. Everyone always chose All Might but I didn't think he was that great... anyways, I'm getting side tracked. I like your brother for who he is, not who his parents are or anyone else. I waited a long time for him and I would never hurt him. The main reason I wanted to talk to you is so you know I would never try to keep you two apart or your family. I heard what you told Tomura and even though Touya didn't, it hurt me when I heard that but I'm just glad you also know he deserves happiness and your not one of those kids who- Is a selfish brat and keeps everyone to themselves for their own happiness even though it hurts others?" He was saying till I cut him off. He nodded "Listen, I know you like Touya. He deserves all the happiness he can get without putting me before anything. It may take some time for him to realize that I'm going to be okay if he looks away for a moment and enjoys his own life. I'll always be there for him and I know he will do the same for me. It's going to take some time for me as well, my whole life it's always been him and I. Almost 16 years of having my big brother protecting me and by my side. Ask Tomura, when our relationship first started I was scared, I thought it meant that I couldn't have my big brother anymore that I would have to push him away to be with Tomura. I don't really count Overhaul has an ex because we were together for not even a week, so Tomura is my first relationship, it took me a little to get comfortable with it. If I would have a nightmare I was so used to going to Touya or he would come to me but when Tomura started being that person for me it was hard, I didn't want Touya to think that I was pushing him out of my life... that I wasn't replacing him. Still to this day I have to remind myself that, and I'm only telling you this because I'm sure he's going to feel the same way if he doesn't already. I'm still a kid, he still feels like he has to play the protective brother and father role to me. It's going to take us both some time to realize that one day we're going to have to go our separate ways and be with our partners... if I'm being honest. I'm scared for that day to come, I'm scared we will both get busy and he will forget about me. I struggle with it now... I'm.." I couldn't finished saying what I wanted because I started crying. Keigo came and hugged me and I cried as I hugged him back. I have never cried so much in my life in front of people like I have since I got to UA. "It's okay, I understand. You're scared to lose him, and I understand that. He has always been by your side for everything as you guys are getting older and relationships are happening. It's okay to feel upset but Izuku, just remember this... he will always be your big brother, no one can ever take that away from you. Not me, not Tomura, not anyone. And I know he will never forget you, he has played so many roles in your life and it's hard for you two to start growing with other people when all you two have ever known was each other." He said and I nodded. He rubbed my back trying to calm me down, I had to force myself to calm down and stop crying until there was a knock on my door. We turned around and seen Touya walking in. "Izu, he's right. I will never forget you, I will never leave you, we will get better and you'll always be my best friend of a little brother." Touya said and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back "Sorry for crying.." I apologized "Don't apologize little birdie. It's okay, now that we talked you should check on your boyfriend. He looked to be in a lot of pain trying to climb his way on top of the bed" Keigo said and I chuckled. "Yeah that was my bad." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Yup don't wanna hear about that. I'll see you in a couple hours Izu" Touya said grabbing Keigo and dragging him out. Once the door closed I realized something. "Did he just call me little birdie?" I questioned out loud hearing a laugh from Tomura. "I was wondering when you were gonna catch on to that" I rolled my eyes taking off my clothes until I was in my boxers, made sure to lock the door then climbed up the bed to Tomura. I laid down on my back under the blankets and Tomu rolled over laying his head in my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair loving how long it is.

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