Chapter 28

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Izuku POV

As the next few days went by we agreed to start paying attention to hero classes and Aizawa has been teaching us laws as underground heroes and training with us. We explained to him what we wanted to do. When Friday came around Madame President walked into the classroom. We stood up and bowed to her "Oh please none of that, I came to give you your vigilante licenses. You will have the same rules as an underground hero which is a little more than a normal Pro Hero. If you kill anyone or capture anyone you will have to report it, we may give you guys missions to do with gangs and others. I remember what you said and even during the questioning of Pyro and Dabi. The dormitories for you all will be ready by next Friday however, we did add your group name on the licenses. So congratulations League of Villains, you are now authorized to do both hero and villain work by The Hero Commission of Japan. Although it was said Tomura is the leader the licenses will say Izuku Todoroki is the leader, AKA Pyro" she said and we were all surprised and very grateful. "You will also get paid as an underground hero as well. So congratulations Izuku, you are now the youngest paid "hero" in all of Japan along with being a leader. I look forward to working with you and seeing how you guys handle everything." She finished we bowed and thanked her as she handed us our licenses. We put them in our wallets and sat back down. The whole class, even Aizawa, was looking at us surprised. "Well, glad she really loves Shiro and Naien. Now we get to go back to our territories" I said smirking and the league did as well. "Hope you're ready for tonight Aizawa! We're gonna have fun and I'll make sure I buy you a few bags of coffee so you can make it everyday" I told him "I'm down! Tonight sounds great!" He cheered and the class looked like they seen a ghost. The door slammed open and Shinso stood there "I HEARD COFFEE AND A HAPPY AIZAWA!" He yelled out and we all looked at him "I say we get Shinso here some coffee Aizawa and I could teach him a thing or two about poker. I think he'd be great at it" I said smirking "Whatever you pay for him though." Aizawa said shrugging. "Meet me at our dorms at 8 pm. Dress casual but not in sweatpants and a hoodie." I told him and he nodded and turned around walking out the door.

The day went by as usual but Aizawa taught us more about underground heroes and some laws. I found many loopholes in these and I think Aizawa caught on to it. The group and I got ready, Dabi, Compress, Aizawa, Twice and Spinner were wearing their suits like usual. Toga, Tomura and I were in different outfits along with Shinso. We left my room and headed downstairs where sadly everyone was.

Izukus outfit^

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Izukus outfit^

Izukus outfit^

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