Chapter 25

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Izukus POV

Once I got to the elevator and up to our dorm I opened the door to see Tomura pouting. I closed the door, locking it, taking my shirt off, and went to Tomura. "What's wrong baby?" I asked and he looked at me like I just asked the dumbest question. "I have a few things going through my head so I need you to answer" I said and he looked away with a said expression. I knew it wasn't the cat thing. I crawled into bed next to him and wrapped my arms around him "I'm yours and no one else's. If you want the truth on what happened between Kai and I, I will tell you. I don't know why him and Hari did that but I swear to you baby I am yours and yours alone for the rest of your lives even if we're young I will forever be yours." I said softly while kisses up and down his neck and cheek. "Then tell me." He said with a sad voice. I sighed and rolled onto my back bring him with me. His head laying on my chest. "I met Kai when I was 12, he was a monotoned asshole just like I was but for some reason that made us click. We exchanged phone numbers and we texted a lot. We told each other how we were villains and both gay and all that but we were best friends. After a couple months is when I met Eri. She always said Kai and I would be cute together but I told her we're just friends and nothing more. The more we hung out the more I started thinking about what Eri said. I never had a relationship and neither did Kai. Eri started her Cupid process and got Kai and I thinking and we decided to try it out, even if it didn't work out we promised to still be best friends. We were nothing but a plationic relationship before hand. We would comfort each other, more like he would comfort me but still. We didn't even think about the fact we were both dominate... very dominate. Even if I was young, he was older than me and we didn't think about it. So we moved on and he asked me out and I agreed. We would kiss and even then we were dominate about it. He learned about how forehead kisses would calm me down and how much I loved them, i don't know why I do but it makes me feel like I can let my walls down and not have to be the leader and so strong all the time. By then time we actually started dating I was 13, we dated for a little over a week. Things got heated and we started doing sexual stuff until it came to the actual sex. He tried to dominate me but it didn't work, we were basically flipping each other around until we both stopped and looked at each other. That's when our relationship ended but we went back to being plationic. We both agreed we never had actually romantic feelings for each other but Eri had a way with words and had us feeling like we did. We stayed that way and sometimes Hari would join the cuddle sessions and he learned more about me. We became best friends just like Kai and I. I always thought that's how my life would be. I'd never find anyone, I'd flirt with people but I really didn't mean it. It was fun to get them flustered and then give me information then go back to my normal monotone self and leave them alone. Until I met you, I heard about you through the underworld and wanted to get to know you. So when I met you, me flirting and all that I meant it. As you can tell, I didn't expect you to fall for me and want to be with me so when you did. I was scared that you'd take it back and realize you never had the correct feelings but you didn't and neither do I. I love you Tomura, no matter what I will always chose you, I will always protect you, cherish you, and adore you. You, Tomura Shigaraki, have the key to my heart and I couldn't ask for anything else." I told him honestly. He looked up at me surprised and I seen the tears in his eyes. "I-izu... d-do.. do you really mean that?" He asked I smiled softly "Of course I do baby, I would never lie to you." I said and leaned forward to kissed his forehead. "But... I do want to tell you this. The other night while you all were dog piled on the couch I came here. I felt like I let everyone down and as I was going through my breakdown Kai called me. We talked a little over the phone but he ended up getting a portal in here. I cried to him because I felt like I betrayed him for not fighting to get Eri, for not protecting her. Yes I wanted you, but at that moment I need Kai to tell me that he wasn't mad and that I didn't betray my best friend. Touya ended up coming in to check on me and seen it. He didn't say anything to you because he knew I would tell you and it would be better to hear it from me than someone else. We didn't do anything, he held me as I cried and apologized to the point he told me to shut the hell up. Once I calmed down hugged me and went his way through the portal. I would never cheat on you, nor would I ever leave you for Kai. I know you may not trust Kai and I but baby boy I swear to you. There is nothing between us. There really never was. My feelings are true to you." I explained and he looked a little pissed but me calling him baby boy switched that attitude real quick. He climbed on top of me and hugged me. "I love you Izuku, and I just don't like him. It's like he purposely does shit to you just to piss me off." He whined and I chuckled. "Well, just do what you want to get him back. I'm sure if you went to Hari he would catch on right away and accept it. I know Hari even gets a little upset with the shit Kai does but we both know the person Kai is. He's going to see how you react just to piss you off and to literally see how you react. Now he just does it to piss you off but I don't mind because then I get cuddles and get to tell you how much I love you." I said and kissed him softly. He pulled away after a few seconds and put his face into my neck. "Let's go to sleep baby boy" I said kissed his shoulder. "How can you call me that when I'm older than you?" He asked. I chuckled "You are my bottom and last I checked you loved when I called you that" I told him and I could feel his face heat up which made me chuckle. "You are mine, my kitten, baby boy, my villain, my everything, Tomura. I will do whatever you want me too to prove that too you." I told him sincerely and he looked at me. "Let me top" "Anything but that" he rolled his eyes and mumbled about how he liked being bottom anyway. I smirked at that "What do you want me to do kitten~" I said seductively while kissing his neck. "Please me" he said shyly. I stopped "Do I not please you already?" I asked kind of hurt. He quickly shook his head "No you do, trust me. You. Do. But I want all of your attention on me. I wanna be selfish with you for once and I want you to focus on nothing but pleasing me. Taking care of me, love me.." he said softly, I could hear the hurt in his voice. "Baby, do you not think I love you?" I asked and he stayed quiet. My heart hurt and I wasn't sure what to do.. "Baby, please talk to me. Do I not show you enough attention? Did I do something wrong to make you upset?" I asked worried. He shook his head "No it's not that Izu, it's... it's hard to explain..." he mumbled wiping his tears. I pulled him closer kissing the top of his head "Then tell me, I don't care if it doesn't make sense. I will figure it out, so please baby. Tell me what's wrong." I begged. He nuzzled into me more, and I started getting an idea of what was happening already. "I.. I just want you. I want it to be only us, no one else. A day of just you and I doing whatever. I don't even care if we lay here in the dark all day. I just want you Izuku, with no one interrupting us, no one dragging you away. I love your family and the league I really do but damn it I just want you. I want your attention, your full attention, your love, I want you to take care of me, to please me, to love all of me. To hold me, kiss me, for us to go back to what we were before coming to this fucking hell hole. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the classes and training but I feel like they are trying to tear us apart. Look at your family Izuku... these heroes are trying to put your family back together so you can join the hero side and be a tool for them to use when needed and I don't want that to happen to you. I love you Izuku, I am in love with you and I can not fucking lose you. Especially to these fucking heroes Izuku, I... I don't want to know what life is without you.." Tomura said through his tears and my heart shattered, I couldn't help the tears that filled my eyes. I looked at him surprised and he just looked away. I gently cupped his cheek turning his face towards me and and connected our lips. After a few seconds I pulled away as I cupped his face. "Tomura, you aren't going to lose me. You know I don't want to be here, just like you said the classes and training are the only great thing about this but in case you forgot my love, my family is on our side. Even if we had nobody Tomura as long as I have you by my side that's all that matters to me. I love you more than you could even imagine, I will do all of those things for you but Tomura, you already have my love. I will be damned if these heroes try to take me. I will start a whole fucking war with heroes if that happened. I will destroy all of Japan just to rebuild it and start it over again. If that's what it means to show you I love you, I will and you know I will. I'll put Shiro on guard of the door if that's what will make you happy. Naien is still resting, but we will do whatever you want my love I will do everything you ask. Our phone will stay shut off but I'll tell Touya that unless it's an emergency not to bother us. You know he will, you want me to please you I will do more than that my kinky little kitten~" I told him until I started to feel him get hard he blushed deeply and tried to look away but I wasn't having it. I brought his face to mine kissing him deeply.

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