Chapter 2

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3rd POV

Izuku and Touya had left their home and ran until they couldn't run anymore. They ran for hours through the night and quiet streets that were lit up by the moon light. Touya started feeling bad about taking Izuku, an almost 5 year old little boy with him but Izuku had reassured him that it was fine and he would rather run away with his brother than live without him. They kept running until the sun had started to show, they found an abandoned building, that happened to be a hotel many years ago and still had everything in it. The two had settled in the bed and fell asleep not knowing what was going to happen the next morning.

The next morning Shoto had waken up and seen Izuku wasn't in his bed, he thought he was in Touyas room but when he knocked no one answered, he opened the door to see the windows closed and no one in bed. Shoto went downstairs to find his family but Touya and Izuku were missing. "Goodmorning Sho, can you wake Izu and Touya up for me?" Fuyumi asked and Shoto was confused "But Yumi, they aren't here" Shoto said and Enji, Natsuo and Fuyumi looked at each other then to Shoto "What do you mean they aren't here Sho?" Natsuo asked "Izu and Touya isn't here Nat, their beds are made but they aren't here" Sho said sadly. Fuyumi gasped and ran upstairs and sure enough, the two boys were not in either room. Natsuo checked the house and Enji had went to their bedrooms. They found clothing missing and Natsuo said there was a lot of food missing. Fuyumi was the first to start crying, Natsuo was the second and Enji was shocked. Little Shoto had no idea why everyone was crying "They ran away" Enji said through his shock. Shoto started crying wanting Izu back and it broke everyone's hearts, Natsuo turned and glared at their father "This is your fault" he growled out. That's when everything came back to Enji, and hit him like a freight train. All the abuse, the neglect, everything he has ever done to his kids and his wife came back to him. That was the day, Enji Todoroki, AKA Endeavor had realized he needed to change. He was now a single father to 5 kids, but now three children. He immediately called his agency and told him that two of his children had run away, one was 12 the other was 4. They got to work and posted around the city of the missing children of Endeavor, they said they were kidnapped by villains so the press wouldn't start rumors of The Number Two hero's children running away.

However, these two boys were about 3 hours away from their home town, sleeping soundly in a bed together.

When Izuku and Touya had woken up, they ate breakfast, which was mostly granola bars and pop tarts. They decided to make this abandoned hotel their home until they needed to move again. Touya has happy that Izuku was extremely smart, he didn't think about food or money, but Izuku did. Izuku had stolen a credit card from their father and used an atm by their house to get as much money as they could out. Touya was stunned at how smart his 4 year old brother was and was a little scared of what he could do. They pulled out about $5,000 (no idea what that would be in yen so we're going by American $'s here). They waited a few days before Touya left to get more food and also school books for his little brother to learn more, since there was no way he was going to school now. The next few months were spent the same way, except Touya had bought Izuku a computer to do online school but told him to create a fake name, and he did, Hikori Kino. Touya laughed at how clever the name was "Really Izu?" Touya asked laughing and Izuku giggled "Hikori is the mixture of fire and ice and Kino means temperature. It's basically my quirk" Izuku said while giggling. "You are too smart for your own good Izu" Touya mumbled "At least you have me with you, you probably wouldn't have thought about money or food if you didn't" Touya pouted but agreed because Izuku was correct.

Touya and Izuku were able to stay in the hotel for the next three years, nothing really happened except Izuku being smarter than what his age was. As they celebrated Izukus 7th birthday and Touyas 15th birthday they ran out of money. Izuku was able to budget everything, along with including hair dye for both of them, now somethings Touya didn't buy and stole them and saved them even more money. They both have black hair now. They've both spent time training their quirks and Izukus is so powerful he can create an animal with his fire and ice flames. When they are white a snow leopard appears, and when they are hot a tiger appears. These animals protect him and Touya when needed. Touya is now able to produce large amounts of fire without burning himself. Izuku had starting collecting notebooks and doing hero and villain analysis which helped them a couple times from being trapped by some villains. Izuku had accidentally killed 3 of the villains but what scared Touya was the fact that his little brother didn't even seem bothered by it. Touya was worried about Izuku but Izuku just shrugged and said they shouldn't have tried to kill them. They arrived back to their home to see papers on it saying it was going to be torn down by next week, so Izuku and Touya packed up all their belongings and went out to search for a new place. After a couple days they finally found a place, Izuku continued to do his school work and his online teachers had actually bumped him up a couple grades so to his intelligence. Touya had to make a fake name and play the part of Izukus father for the school. Touya had approved Izuku to be bumped up a couple grades. Touya bought a phone just for Izukus school.

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