Chapter 27

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Izuku POV

As we walked in Kacchan was with his squad of friends and Shoto was with us. "You broke my boyfriend" Shoto said and I shook my head "No, I didn't.... maybe a little... he did cry... but what we talked about worried him a lot. Once he tells you I think you'll understand." I said giving him a smile. "HEY VILLAINS!" One annoying blonde yelled. We all turned around "What the hell happened to Bakugo?" Monoma asked and we chuckled. "How about we talk later Monoma, I think it will help you also." I offered and he went to open his mouth but shut it and shrugged "Sure I guess." He said and walked away but I was stunned. I was expecting him to argue and yell at me. We were all frozen in our spots staring at where he just stood. "Uh problem children?" Aizawa said and we snapped out of it. "Yeah?" I questioned still confused. "You okay?" He asked and I shook my head "I think all loud blonde should stay away from me today. Apparently I keep breaking them.." I said being serious but a few laughed. Aizawa was confused until Bakugo came up and said "Goodmorning Mr. Aizawa" Aizawa jumped and stared at Bakugo. "Izuku. You aren't to talk to present Mic today. Actually just stay out of his damn class room." Aizawa said and I nodded "I broke Monoma also." I said still surprised and he looked at me like I just did the impossible... which I guess I did. Before we could talk VLad came out of his door and looked at us. "WHO THE HELL BROKE MONOMA!?" He yelled and I raised my hand "Hello VLad!" Kacchan greeted and VLad looked horrified. "Who... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" He yelled looking at me "I don't know... I'm just as surprised as you are honestly... I'm breaking all the loud blondes today..." I said still surprised. He just nodded and slowly backed away before running to his classroom slamming the door. I just blinked and turned around going to the classroom.

We walked in and everyone was looking at me. "Hey Izu!" Kami greeted. "Hey Kami, how are you?" I asked and Kami lit up like a Christmas tree "I'm amazing!" My eyes widened as he started explaining why he was the way he was. "I broke another loud blonde." I mumbled. Touya patted my back as we took our seats. Aizawa came in shaking his head. Let's just get this day over with.

School continued just like it always does, slow and boring but when Mr. Yamas class came around I had so much fun. Mr. Yama had asked us to look into music that goes with the language they were learning and describe the differences in them and write about it. I, however, already knew it in a few different languages. "Oh my gosh remember when Eri made Izu sing "Let it go" in German" Toga said laughing and the league busted out laughing "He even did the effects for her!" Spinner called out. I was glaring at them while everyone was looking at me and Mr. Yama looked like he had sparkles In His eyes when I looked at him. "No! Don't even think about it!" I yelled at him. He smiled "Would you at least do one song in German? It seems you take more of a liking to German than other languages" Mr. Yama asked and I face palmed. "I guess." I groaned. Everyone cheered but quickly stop when I glared at them. I sighed and asked for a guitar, when I got one I started playing and singing.

Can I just say I fucking love German and this song 😭 it's so perfect.

I looked at Tomu while I sang most of the song. He probably had no idea what I was saying but he was still crying. Once I finished Mr. Yama was crying while clapping as everyone started to clap. "Hey Izuku? Can you rap in German?" Kirishima asked and I nodded. "Yeah I can do just about anything in German." I said with a shrug. "DO IT PLEASE!" Mina, Kami and Kiri yelled together. I sighed and nodded. "You want a slower one or an upbeat one?" I asked "BOTH!" I just sighed and shook my head. I grabbed my phone and found the song I wanted.

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