Chapter 5

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-No ones POV~
Just for the heads up, I don't know that much about on training and all that shit so bare with me please ;-;

Izuku had woken up and felt something on him. He looked down and seen a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and looked up to see Tomura was still asleep. Izuku blushed deeply and realized he was almost laying on top of him. "Goodmorning Zuzu" Tomura said in his morning voice that made Izuku turn red. "Goodmorning Tomura" Izuku greeted back. Tomura chuckled and upwrapped his arms from around Izuku allowing Izuku too sit up as he did the same. Although Tomura missed the heat of Izuku, as Izuku missed the cold from Tomura. Both boys had gotten up, Tomura had went to his room and Izuku had a gay panic for about 10 minutes and then got up to do his morning routine, Izuku just put on a black t shirt and black sweatpants along with black vans. Izuku than made his way downstairs and seen Touya dressed in the same exact thing which made him chuckle. "Goodmorning Izu" Touya greeted "Morning Touya" Izuku greeted with a smile. After last night he felt a lot better about not only himself but his trauma also. As Izuku started making breakfast for them he also started to make breakfast for Tomura. The breakfast included their pre work out shakes as well.

Tomura and Kurogiri looks surprised on their breakfast but Tomura actually liked it, and Izuku made a different breakfast for Kurogiri who was happy that he didn't have to cook for once

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Tomura and Kurogiri looks surprised on their breakfast but Tomura actually liked it, and Izuku made a different breakfast for Kurogiri who was happy that he didn't have to cook for once. After they finished breakfast Kurogiri offered to clean the dishes and Izuku hesitated but agreed. The trio was lead to the basement by AFO through the tv. Once they arrive they found a letter for each of them and what to train with.

-Focus on training your body heat with out your flames turning on
-Name your animals, if you have not already.
-Summon your animals without using your flames
-See what your animals are able to do without flames
-Try using 2 different flames at the same time
-Try to control your body's temperature while using your flames, do not continue if you start to burn yourself.
- Focus on where you want your flames to go instead of a large gust of flames
-Try to lower your body temperature, if able too, without the flames. Try this for a few times then use your flames and see if this helps from not burning yourself.

- 200 Push ups
-100 Sit ups
-50 crunches
- Use the bags I brought in and do multiple kicks and punches (minimum of 100 each)
- If Izuku or Dabi have a minute, ask one of them to help with different martial arts, and spar with them.

This is just stuff I thought of, so please try not to come at me if it's wrong or could make things worse ;-;

Dabi was surprised by his training list, all he's ever known is to raise his temperature and use his flames until he would pass out from quirk overuse. Over the years Izuku had helped him with different ways to control his flames so he wouldn't burn himself but they never thought of lower his body temperature so his flames wouldn't overheat his body or burn him. Dabi started with the body temp first before activating his flames. It took him a few tries but he finally got the hang of it. Once he did he started to use his flames, he noticed when he would lower his body temp the flames weren't directly on his hands but away from them, more like floating around his hands without touching them. He sent his flames out and they were more powerful and weren't hurting his body with them, that sure surprised the hell out of him but also made him happy.

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