Chapter 15

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Okay so I don't remember If I said Izukus age but he's currently 15 right now but will soon be turning 16. This is going to be around November ish... so it's after the sports festival and all that stuff. Shoto and Bakugo passed their professional test just for the hell out of it.

It's been a month since the raid, the heroes keep searching for any clues on where to find the league. Until one night a certain winged feather hero, and an underground hero found Toga on the streets. They followed her until they reached the base. They wouldn't report it yet, they wanted to see if anyone else would come out or go in. Over the next two days no one left or came out of the building, that's because Izuku spotted the two heroes when Toga had walked in. Now if they ever leave and need to come back they use a portal. They were happy that all the windows were blocked off but they started getting a little worried about Eri now. They couldn't take her out due to the raid and the heroes knowing about her, Kai and Hari still visit her but not as much. Izuku was starting to get worried and don't know what to do Dabi and Tomura noticed Izukus uneasiness and asked him about it. "Heroes found us" was all he said and now they understood why he was acting the way he did.

Due to this, Izuku had taken over leadership and may or may not have yelled at Toga for being such a dumb ass and not check if anyone was following her. She cried and said she did several times and she couldn't feel anyone watching her or their presence which bothered Izuku even more. That was until there was a knock on the door and everyone froze. Toga quickly grabbed Eri and ran up to her room locking the door, Izuku answered the door and was met with one person he really did not want to see. "Hello Stain, can I help you?" Izuku said trying to be professional. Izuku noticed Eraser from a couple buildings away which didn't make him happy "What do you want Stain?" Izuku asked again. Stain tried to attack Izuku but Izuku quickly burned the sword to ash. Izuku was pissed now. "HOW DARE YOU KILL ALL MIGHT HE WAS THE ONLY WORTHY HERO OF THIS SOCIETY!" Stain yelled and that caught everyone's attention. Izuku seen hawks fly up next to Aizawa "YOU THINK THAT OVER GROWN GORILLA IS A WORTHY HERO!? IF HE IS THEN WHY DID MY BEST FRIEND KILL HIMSELF BECAUSE ALL MIGHT TOLD HIM HE COULD NEVER BE A HERO BECAUSE HE WAS QUIRKLESS!? HUH!? TELL ME STAIN! DONT EVEN SAY THAT HE CANT BE A HERO BECAUSE THERE ARE SEVERAL HEROES THAT FIGHT QUIRKLESS HE DIDNT EVEN WANT TO BE A HERO LIKE ALL MIGHT HE WANTED TO BE AN UNDERGROUND HERO AND ALL MIGHT TOLD HIM IT WAS GOOD TO DREAM BUT HE NEEDED TO FACE REALITY!! SO TELL ME WHY THAT BASTARD IS SUCH A WORTHY HERO!?" Izuku screamed out making sure everyone heard him. Stain looked at him dumb founded "W-What?" Stain said in pure shock. "Yeah, I lost my best friend because of that fucking Gorilla, but who the fuck are you to come here and tell me what heroes to kill! Do you even realize half of the heroes you killed were not fake!? Yeah they were in the media but if you fucking did research or paid the fuck attention you'd know THEY WERE HELPING SO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE YOU JACK ASS!! They would donate their money to orphanages, quirkless foundations, homeless shelters, single parents BUT YOU KILL THEM BECAUSE YOU DEEMED THEM FAKE BECAUSE YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT STAIN!" Izuku yelled out in rage. Stain was shocked and he didn't want to admit, so he did the foolish move and tried to attack Izuku but didn't get far when Tomura appeared out of no where grabbing stain by the throat and he quickly turned to ash. Izuku blinked, looked at Tomura, the pile of dust then back to Tomura.

"Well... there's one way to handle that bastard. Now... WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HEROES FUCKING WANT!?" Izuku yelled turning his attention to where Eraser and Hawks were. Theyre eyes widen and Hawks flew down to them, "well, that was pretty impressive and less work for us to deal with. So thanks for dealing with that." Hawks said and Izuku just looked at the overgrown chicken dumbfounded. "Ignore the chicken, but Principal Nezu of UA would like to talk to all of you. If you deny we will arrest you and take you to you all to jail." Aizawa said bluntly and Izuku raised an eyebrow. "I'm guessing there's about 4 other heroes around this building right?" Izuku said and Aizawas eyes widened. "If we don't go, you guys are going to raid this building aren't you?" Izuku said again and Tomura was getting nervous, not for getting arrested but because Eri was inside. "Yes, we will tear the building apart if we have too" Aizawa said and Izuku growled. "You touch this building and I'll kill each and every hero in the whole country of Japan do you understand me? For an underground pro hero I figured you'd be smarter than that especially with Endeavor here. You kill my little sister that's inside I kill you and your whole family." Izuku said darkly scarring the hell out of everyone.

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