Chapter 19

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Izuku POV

I finally made it to the dorms trying to stop crying but I couldn't. I fell to the floor and started sobbing. I'm a fucking villain and here I am breaking down. I feel so weak, I gave up everything we all worked so hard for because of all the heroes. I will never blame Eri, if I didn't have her I don't know what those heroes would do to her if she was at the raid. There would be a long line of dead bodies if they tried to take her. I just want to scream and cry to someone, I know Touya held Tomu back and I know why he did it. I don't know what to do, everything is playing on repeat in my head. I... I don't know what to do anymore.

Touya POV
After Izuku ran out Tomura went to chase him but I grabbed him. "Don't. Let him go. Give him a moment to himself" I whispered "I can't... he's breaking down and needs someone" he said and I nodded "I know Tomura. I know, let him get to the dorms. Let him cry and then you go get him. Not now. He will push you away if you don't give him time Tomura" I said and he gave up trying to get out of my hold. I could see the tears in his eyes. "Shouldn't someone go get him before he tries to kill someone?" Some dumb ass said and we all looked at him. "Are you fucking serious right now?" Spinner questioned and I knew this wasn't going to end up good. "Why would you hold him back from going to get him? I get he's your brother but someone should go after him!" The pink alien yelled out. I was starting to get pissed off hearing all the comments. "Should we call Endeavor?" Someone questioned and that was it for me "NO!" I yelled out and everyone looked at me "Why not? He is his father he should be able to help him! Even if you guys ran away Endeavor is still your father!" They yelled back at me "BULLSHIT! I RAISED IZUKU BY MY FUCKING SELF! I KNOW HIM BETTER THAN ANYONE HERE I KNOW WHAT HE FUCKING NEEDS SO DONT QUESTION MY FUCKING PARENTING! I WAS 12 YEARS OLD WHEN I HAD TO PLAY THE ROLE OF OUR FATHER YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT US! I FUCKING RAISED HIM, FED HIM, CARED FOR HIM, HELD HIM EVERY NIGHT HE WOULD WAKE UP SCREAMING FROM A NIGHTMARE! I DID THAT NOT ENDEAVOR NOT SHOTO NO ONE BUT MYSELF AND OUR MOTHER BEFORE WE LEFT! SO DONT EVER FUCKING TRY TO COME AT ME WITH THAT BULLSHIT AGAIN!" I screamed out scarring everyone. Tomura touched my arm and I looked at him "Let's go to Izuku. He needs us, don't let these dumbasses bother you. You raised him to be a wonderful person Touya. He's smart, kind hearted, selfless, and just like you. He loves you Touya, he may not say it but he would tell me how great of a father you were to him even if you are his big brother. But we can talk about that later. Let's go get him.." Tomura said and I nodded. We all started walking "Can I come?" Shoto asked. I hesitated but nodded "I have a feeling part of this breakdown has to deal with you anyway." I said and turned around and started running towards the dorms. When we got there my heart shattered into so many pieces at the scene.

Izuku POV

I don't know what to do, I just want my family. I want Touya to come here and say that everything is okay and alright and too sing our song to me. I can't stop sobbing and it's hurting me. I want Shoto to tell me that he doesn't hate me that I'm still his brother no matter what. I want Tomura to hold me and play with my hair like he always does and tell me how I'm his big baby which always makes me laugh. For him to sit on my lap and let me hold him as he continues to play with my hair. I don't know how long I've been sitting here but I heard the door open, I looked and seen Touya, Tomura and Shoto. "I-izu.." Touya said and he ran to me I hugged him as I started sobbing even harder. "I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry T-Touya!" I yelled through my sobs. "It's okay Izu, it's okay, everything is going to be okay alright? You have me and Tomura here for you. The league and even Shoto is here." He said and I shook my head "No! Toto hates me." I yelled again as I buried my head in Touya neck. "He doesn't hate you, why do you think he does Izu?" Touya asked as he rubbed my back. "B-because we left him. We left everyone. I'm a villain.. I've killed so many innocent people and he's here to be a hero. His twin brother is a fucking villain and I know people treat him differently now because of me." I said as I sobbed harder. "Izu.. I don't hate you. I could never hate you." I heard Shoto say, I looked up and seen him sitting next to me. He opened his arms and I hesitated but I jumped into him sobbing into his chest. Touya came next to us and was still rubbing my back. "Izu... how about we sing the song mom would sing to us?" Touya questioned "You guys still remember that song?" Shoto asked. I nodded "I've had to sing it to him for years... to calm him down, for him to go back to sleep, or times like this." Touya said.

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