Chapter 26

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Izuku POV

Once we got dressed, we headed down stairs. I had to carry Tomu but I didn't mind. We walked out of the elevator and I could already hear Toga, Touya, and Spinner yelling how they aren't talking til I get there. "I'm here what the fuck is so important now?" I yelled out and everyone shut up and looked at me. I noticed officers, hero commission and other heroes. Nezu said for all of us to take a seat and that he put the students are in the gym training. We all nodded and I asked what was happening. "Pyro, we were told about the fight here with the Liberation Army. However, we aren't exactly sure what to do about it." Madame president said and I raised an eyebrow. "Before for continue, how about you let me tell you, I know more about this than any hero." I said and she looked offended but nodded. "The Liberation Army was after us, why? Re Destro wanted to take my place as Number One so people would fall into the bullshit he wants. They wanted us to find them so they could attack us on their land away from everyone. It was said that if we didn't find them in a certain time then they would hunt us down at UA. I found this information out yesterday but didn't say anything until later that night to my Dad. We were going to come here to inform you but I had gotten a phone call from Toga about Eri. Everything with the army and the war got pushed aside. Eri was my main priority, until those dumb asses showed up here for a fight. He wanted to question me and call me out for getting caught and that he would try to take my place. In the villain world, you don't go by rankings like heroes. Someone wants the number one spot, the challenge the number one. I've had many people challenge me but they end up dead. It's a fight to the death, and Re-Destro knew that. However, like All for One did, he basically retired from number one and gave the spot to me. Re-Destro hated that since he has been trying to get people to follow him which makes no sense when he has- well had, over 100,000 followers. Between the league, Shiro, Naien, Endeavor, HellFrost (Shoto), and Ground Zero (Bakugo) we ended all of them. Endeavor gave the okay to HellFrost and Ground Zero to participate since they are the two strongest in class 1-A and were with us at the time. It lasted around three hours but I did the finishing blow ended all of them that were at UA." I explained and they looked at me surprised. "Who is Shiro and Naien?" A guy from the commission asked. "Shiro, Naien." I called and the appeared "They are apart of my quirk, Shiro handled ice like my brother Shoto and Naien uses the flames of my older brother Touya." I explained and it looked like they had stars in their eyes. I cleared my throat and they snapped back out of it. "Can they control their powers?" Madame asked "Yes they can, basically whatever Sho can do with his ice Shiro can do and the same with Touya and Naien." I answered honestly because they don't need to know they can do more. Madame president squealed "THATS SO COOL!" We all looked at her surprised. She cleared her throat and went back to the Normal bitch face she has. We were all in shock on how she reacted but I quickly snapped out of it. "So Pyro, is there anyone who could defeat you and claim the number one spot?" Madame asked and I nodded. "Touya." I answered honestly and everyone looked at me shocked. "However, he wouldn't be able to kill me. Being Number one has a lot of bullshit behind it just like the Number one hero. We are on the same level of power but my quirk is stronger than his by a lot when you included Shiro and Naien. I could defeat him but being my brother I would just hand it to him. All for one can't take it back due to I've beat him in fights a few times already. That's how I became number one without knowing, I thought it was for who could take over training the league." I explained with a shrug and they looked horrified. "W-what about the hero side?" Mic asked "None." I stated blankly. Dad looked at me like I was crazy "Dad couldn't beat me, yes he's powerful but I could control his flames, he's may be stronger than me but being stronger doesn't mean shit if you don't know how to fight. Only with the fact, there is no way in hell he could win a fight that involved myself, Shiro and Naien. I easily defeated All Might like it was nothing. The difference is, I wouldn't kill my father. Hawks is a the fastest hero but he can't escape four sets of flames from us 3 at him. My flames touch his feathers and he's done. Best Jeanist would be quiet easy, I'd just burn right through the fibers." I explained with a shrug. Keigo was holding his wings and Dad took a step back. The others looked horrified. "So, I'm a 15 year old and no hero could defeat me nor villain. I'm not even being cocky I'm just being honest. I will not become a hero though, if you want anything from me. I'd be a vigilante, playing with a foot on both sides. If you think I'll be a hero you got a new thing coming, hell would freeze over and there would be riots everywhere. I stay in the villain world and play both sides. It would equal shit out. I may be a villain but there are several things i don't condone. While heroes can't take down Mafias, that's where the league comes in. Sex trades? We play the role of taking those out. Heroes can't kill like we can, if they do it's a shit ton of paperwork and questions for days. A villain kills them? It just gets pushed aside and added to our kill count. You want better heroes, look at Shoto and Katsuki we trained them and gave them a diet to suit their bodies. Even one Denki Kaminari, he's been training with me and controlling his quirk something the heroes haven't even been able to do. If no one noticed, his grades have also been improving due to me. Along with Hitoshi Shinso, he's training to be an underground hero like Eraser. The difference between heroes and villains is heroes focus to much on quirks. Villain focus on everything, the only hero that doesn't focus on quirks is Eraser. The reason a lot of villains like him and are fans of his. He does his job like a hero should, he focuses on stealth and battle and not his quirk like everyone else does. Then there's Nezu, the Rat God, I don't think I need to explain how fucking scary he is." I ranted a little and some shivered mentioning Nezu "Although, my IQ is higher than his, Madame, would you really want Two Nezus on the hero side or one on each side. You put two Nezus on one side and world domination happens. You have us on both sides, shit changes. Almost all villains fear me, and they are starting to know my age. You keep us here and UA is going to become a war zone. Don't get me wrong we actually like it here, especially the classes we take, we don't mind staying here but you can't keep us here forever. We come to school and we do what we want after. You no longer have Eri, she is more protected with Overhaul than anywhere. You continue to keep us here and not out in the world people are going to think we are becoming heroes and I promise you right now you do not. And I mean do NOT, want them to think that. That is why Re-Destro showed up here. He thought I was changing sides, do you really want this to keep happening or will you let us continue doing school here and do our villain work?" I said making sure I changed my wording on things to make it worse for them. Everyone looked terrified until Madame spoke up "Let me explain before any of you interrupt me" she started and we nodded. "This will be the first time we do this, if this is just the start, we do not want this. We will give you vigilante ID's so that way you'll be aloud to use your quirks as you want and not get more charges on you. You'll be aloud to come into the school as normal students even with your ages we still want all of you here, after that you are free to do what you want but when it comes to big time Mafias and such you have to report them to us so we can handle them and are aware of the situations." She said. I looked at the league who nodded I looked back "We accept it. But one question." I said and she nodded for me to ask. "Are we staying here or can we go back to base?" I asked. She thought about it. "I would like for you too stay here but, we will provide the money for them to build a building just for you guys. It will be secure and only those with your cards and heroes will be aloud to enter without getting the okay from any of you. This way if others try to attack they won't be going after the students here but you guys. You all have shown you can handle yourselves and don't need heroes to help you unless it's a large group which you handled very well. There was no big time damages here just a lot of water and dust." Madame said and we all agreed to do it. Nezu also agreed for a new building. We talked for a little longer about how things will go and what we need to do and the commission and officers left. We all sighed deeply but we were excited to be able to go back to our lives. "I'm surprised you did that Izu" twice said and I shrugged "I mean I wasn't lying about anything. You put Nezu and I in a room for 12 hours and we would come up with 138 different ways to take over the world and end everything with it. You have us on the same side and we will demolish the world. You keep him on the hero side and myself on the villain side you have Yin and Yang we would balance it out. You put me as a hero and I wasn't lying about a war starting. Villains would lose their shit because they wouldn't be able to defeat us and they would have nothing to turn too." I explained shrugging again at the end. "I am now terrified of my own children." Dad mumbled but we all heard it. "If we're done can we go back to our rooms cuz I'm tired as hell" I asked Nezu nodded and said we could. I picked Tomura up and made our way back to the room.

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