Chapter 16

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3rd POV

Once they arrived, the back doors opened up, they took the chains off but left the quirk canceling cuffs on them "Alright, we are going to keep the quirk canceling cuffs on you for right now, I have a feeling one of you or all of you will want to kill my students. They are loud, annoying and huge problem children, sometimes I wish Nezu would let me expel them all" Aizawa said mumbling the end but the league still heard it. "Trust me, if we could deal with Toga when she first arrived I think we can handle your class Eraser" Spinner said and Izuku glared at him "Don't fucking jinx us, I swear if they are more annoying now I'm yeeting myself out the damn window" Izuku said and Aizawa laughed. "Well, I won't let that happen and I'm sure no one else will allow it. Also, we have just added a floor at the top just for you guys. Only people who can access this room is the teachers, Nezu, yourselves, Hawks and Endeavor. You will be staying in Class A dorms so please be respectful to them and try not to kill any of them. I'm also guessing you guys can fight quirkless can't you?" Aizawa continued and they all nodded. "Great even bigger problem children" Aizawa mumbled "Oh I'm sure you'll grow to love us all. But I do have one question" Izuku said and Aizawa hummed with an eye roll "Can I still leave at certain nights to go gamble?" Izuku asked and everyone looked at him like he was an idiot "Oh don't look at me like that, someone has to provide for us still. It was always me doing it. Can anyone of you make $100,000 or more in one night?" Izuku said sassy and everyone looked away as Aizawa and everyone else's eyes widened. "HUH?" The heroes said in unison making the league giggle. "Izuku here is a pro at poker and pool. He can beat the best of the best" Toga basically sang out and everyone nodded "My favorite move is acting like I don't know how to play and then end the game with a royal flush and take everyone's money" Izuku said smirking along with Nezu "I like him already" Nezu said clapping his paws together and Aizawa sweat dropped. "I will think about it, but you have to have someone go with you that's either a student or teacher" Nezu said and Izuku sweat dropped "Ehh... that may be a bad idea but I could take Aizawa. I know he won't start a fight and hardly anyone but us knows who he is. I'll just have to change his style for him too go" Izuku said with a smirk that Aizawa did not like. "Whatever. Let's just go in." Aizawa huffed.

Once they arrive to the dorms "Alright... let's go show you your rooms." Aizawa said, they followed him to the elevator. Once they arrived to the floor Aizawa told them that they will be able to decorate and grab the rest of the stuff from their hide out within the next couple days so the rooms will have to last for now. Everyone nodded and really wanted to go to bed. Izuku went to ask Aizawa a question but answered it for him "Eri is still with midnight, she is sleeping peacefully but we need to contact her guardian for her to return to them" Aizawa said and everyone tensed a little. That didn't go unnoticed by Aizawa "We will talk about it tomorrow you don't have school uniforms yet so please try to dress nicely." Aizawa said leaving. Izuku hurried over to Tomura room, Toga and Twice, Compress and Dabi but they invited Spinner to stay with them so he doesn't have to be alone.

Oh yes, Dabi, Compress, and spinners relationship is all platonic. Neither of them are looking for a romantic relationship or sexual so they all agreed to be platonic cuddle buddies basically, now back to story. Also, Mamagiri got out before the heroes came in on Touyas orders.

Everyone slept comfortably through out the night, once morning arrived you could hear everyone groan from all the alarm clocks going off to early in the morning. Izuku managed to smash the alarm clock on accident not being a morning person, he grumbled about it but Tomura made him get up so they could all get ready. Everyone got up and got dressed with Toga picking out their outfits.

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