Chapter 22

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So this is basically just a filler chapter as I come up with ideas for the next one. So yeah it's a hot mess but I needed something before jumping into the next chapter.

Izuku POV

Once again waking up to the annoying ass piece of shit I call an alarm clock, Tomu and I got up and started getting ready, I decided to wear one of the outfits I got yesterday. I got a text from Nezu saying that we are aloud to wear whatever clothing we want since we aren't technically students and because he knows we wouldn't wear the uniform properly or at all. He's so smart, I'm glad he knows us so well. Tomu got dressed and we both did our thing.

Izukus outfit^

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Izukus outfit^

Tomuras outfit^ (with a hoodie of course)

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Tomuras outfit^ (with a hoodie of course)

Hand in hand we walked down to the common rooms. I did not want to deal with these people so early, like it's 7 in the morning. Why the fuck are y'all so loud and wide the hell awake? The elevator opened and I found the league sitting on the couch looking ready to murder everyone in the kitchen who is being loud asf. "I miss Mamagiri" we all said at the same time then looked at each other and started laughing. "Oh my gosh Toga that bag is soo cute!" Uraraka said to Toga and we all knew why she was going after "Thanks, Izuku bought it for me" Toga said and I just shrugged. Uraraka looked at me and made her way over and went into front of me but Tomu put his foot up "Not happening broke bitch. Go find someone else" Tomu said and I had to hold back a laugh. "ARE YOU SERIOUS WHY WOULD YOU TOUCH ME LIKE THAT!?" She yelled I sighed running a hand down my face. Everyone came running in "Alright, let me out this clear as I fucking can you broke ass bitch." I said and stood up "Toga is basically my sister, I don't like you. You came over to me trying to flirt so I'd buy you shit cuz I got money. My BOYFRIEND stopped you from getting closer to me and you wanna act like we did something to you? None of us want you, none of us like you. So go try finding someone else with money." I said and she started crying. "It's probably fake anyway" She said and walked away. "Not when I went to the actual store and dropped 3 grand on it." I said casually. The other guys looked at me and shook their head. "I don't know why you'd try with him Uraraka. You know he isn't going to spend money on any of you" Shoto said coming from the hallway with Kacchan in tow. "Ha that broke bitch tried to get Izu PFFTTT" Kacchan said while laughing. "All because toga said I bought her that bag thing" I said "It's called a purse Izu" Toga corrected me and I shrugged. "It's too early for this shit" I said sitting back down. "Oh and Toto, I think the only person I'd even buy anything for that's a chick here would be Mina. She has style, she dances and she doesn't bother me. Shes actually cool as hell also" I said with a shrug and Mina perked up "Hell Yeah! I got my own money though, so you don't have to buy me anything anyways but thanks for the offer!" She said and I nodded "See... that's why I like her!" I said pointing to her. Kirishima glared at me "Dude. I'm as straight as a circle don't come at me like that. That's a fight you don't want" I said looking right at him and he nodded.

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