Chapter 17

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Once Again, I have no idea on how to play poker. I don't even know how they do it. So please do not judge my mistakes.

Izuku POV

Fucking finally, it's night time. I have to get ready to go tonight, there's a new underground casino opening tonight. Argo texted me the location and I was surprised that he knew we got captured, I told him I was bring Eraser but I'd make sure he wouldn't do anything and he won't even look like his usual self either. I was not expecting him to answer that underground heroes were allowed in the casino but they have to follow dress code. Minors we're aloud to were whatever they wanted just like the other ones and I was happy with that, I hate wearing a suit. Argo told me a car would arrive at 8:45 pm for us and I needed to go by Pyro and Aizawa has to go by Eraser. With that, I started getting ready.

Izukus outfit^

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Izukus outfit^

After getting dressed, brushing my teeth, and trying
To tame this mop of hair there was a knock on the door. I yelled it was open, "Why do I have to wear something?" I snorted when I heard it was Aizawa. I looked out the bathroom "You're outfits on the bed, make sure you have your hero license also. You have to wear it for dress code or you're not aloud in." I said earning a groan in response. "I'll stay in here just let me know when you're ready, there's a mirror next to the closet" I yelled out hearing an "okay". After ten minutes I was able to at least brush my hair until I heard "I'm done problem child" I chuckled and walked out.

"Well damn, who knew you could pull off something other than sweatpants" I teased with a smirk

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"Well damn, who knew you could pull off something other than sweatpants" I teased with a smirk. "Whatever, what are the rules to this anyway?" He asked and I nodded "So, this is a new underground casino, surprisingly underground heroes are welcome but you have to agree to not tell any other heroes about it or else you'll be hunted down and since you're coming with me. That will be a death wish for you if you take your word back on that rule. You'll have to stay with me 24/7 which I'm sure you're going to do anyways. As you already know the dress code for you, minors don't have to wear clothes like that, they are allowed casual clothes so it helps single us out I guess. Even though I'm the number one villain, I hate suits and dress clothes. Also, just because I'm nice, I'll be paying for your coffees and whatever else you'd like. You'll also get some of my winnings for having to baby sit me. So hope you're ready for a long night and the best coffee of your life." I finished and he seemed to perk up when I mentioned the coffee. "Let's go then, you better not be lying about the coffee damn it!" He said going to my door "Wait! Hold on a minute!" I yelled out and he stopped. I reached under my bed grabbing a brief case. Opening it and looked in to make sure all my money is still in there. "Also, I need you to take off all the quirk bracelets, what happens there tonight. Stays there." I said sternly and he nodded. He took off the other quirk bracelets, we have to wear them at night when the teachers aren't around. Why the hell do they trust us so much? .... oh right... because they are using Eri as black mail. I gave Aizawa the briefcase and told him he's in charge of it tonight. If someone tries to fight him or anything he needs to tell me. Since villains have more say so than heroes do tonight. We walked to the elevator and made our way down. Once the doors opened we could hear the voices of what sounded like the whole class. We groaned at the noise when made us laugh we walked down and once everyone looked at us they went silent. "Good luck baby bro, which one you going too?" Touya asked "There's a new one. Argo sent me the location earlier." I said and he nodded. "You taking your cue?" I facepalmed "How the fuck do I forg- *roar*" I looked down and seen Naien with my pool case in his mouth "Thanks Naien, you think you can hold onto that for me until I need it?" I asked and he nodded and disappeared with the pool case. "Try not to kill anyone Izu, if Dads there tell him we all say hi!" Toga said and I nodded. "I'm sure Dad will be the first one to find me if he's there. I'll tell him don't worry, as for killing someone. No promises, villains are assholes when it comes to me winning" I said with an eye roll. My phone went off and I seen the driver would be here in two minutes. I walked over and kissed Tomura and said my goodbyes.

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