Chapter 24

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Izuku POV

I quickly swiped my card and the door opened. We all ran in and once we arrived we came face to face with students who looked at us surprised. I was pissed, Kai was pissed we were all pissed. "WHY IS ENDEAVOR WITH VILLIANS!?" One kid screamed and others got their attention. Although I was curious as to why there was students in front of the school at 7 at night but whatever. A portal appeared in front and we all walked through again this time it put us in front of the dorms. "Shiro! Naien!" I yelled and they walked out behind me growling. "Ready Overhaul?" "Ready Pyro" once he said those words we barged into the dorms students started yelling and my group came dressed in their villain outfits carrying Eri. "Eri!" Kai yelled out but I grabbed him. He looked at me and I turned to face the group of heroes and students who were facing us. "I thought I told you, you mess up, you die Izuku." The detective said and I chuckled. "Oh, I'd love to see you try and kill me. Especially with my team and the others here. So go ahead." I said wearing a smirk under my mask Shiro was growling getting ready to pounce him. "Let me ask you all this... do you really want to start a war with us? One of you make a move including the students and it's free game. You tortured Eri an innocent 7 year olds little girl and trying to murder a 15 year old. That's not very heroic like now is it?" I started asking, Touya, Kai, Shoto and Tomura blocked a small portal that appeared that Toga and Eri went out of. "Twice." I said within seconds there were multiple clones around us. How the hell he got Endeavors and Kacchans size I have no idea... Shotos I get, him and I are the same size. I pushed that thought out when one of the students walked forward "Is that true?" I seen it was Kaminari "Is what true?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow "They tortured Eri and they would actually murder you?" He asked and we all nodded. "When Eri came here she didn't have any bandages on her, her Horn was small which means they've been making her use her quirk until she is exhausted. For what? A hero to get his quirk back. Yeah no thanks. So what will it be? Because you all already know you'll lose to us. Nezu is probably freaking the hell out right now because he can't outsmart me, not at all. Now, if you start a war with us who will protect the students when the real war comes?" I ranted and everyone looked at me. They started asking questions on what I meant until the door slammed open to reveal a pissed of Nezu. "WHO THE HELL STARTED THIS BULLSHIT!?" He yelled and we all looked at him. "WHY THE HELL WAS I LOCKED IN MY OFFICE AND WHERE THE HELL IS ERI!?" He yelled again at the teachers. "S-sir.. it wasn't us." Present Mic said and we all looked at him confused "WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!? I TOLD YOU ALL NOT TO DO ANYTHING OR HARM ERI! NOW YOU HAVE VILLAINS ALL OVER MY FUCKING SCHOOL!!" Nezu yelled and now I was confused "What the hell do you mean all over your school?" I asked but before he could answer the was a loud boom and the ground shook. "DAMN IT!" I screamed out. "They're here." I said and Dad looked at me. "Well, war is already here. Eri is far away from here. Guess it's time to show why you don't fuck with me and the league. You heroes protect the students. Let us handle this." I said and they hesitated but Nezu told them to follow my rules. I ran out of the building and there they were. The liberation Army.

"PRYO SO GLAD TO SEE YOU! I HOPE YOU DONT MIND US TRASHING THE HEROES SINCE YOU TURNED AWAY FROM VILLAINY FOR THEM!" Re- Destro yelled out. I started laughing, not a usual laugh. No. A psychotic laugh that scared the hell out of everyone "OH YOU THINK I STOPPED VILLAINY BECAUSE WE GOT CAUGHT!? OH SORRY RE DESTRO BUT WE DIDNT TURN AWAY FROM ANYTHING!" I yelled back and I could see the fear on all of their faces. "IM THE NUMBER ONE VILLAIN FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU RE DESTRO NOW DONT MIND AS I WATCH YOU TAKE YOUR LAST FUCKING BREATH" I yelled out in a sinister voice. "Go." I whispered and Shiro and Naien roared and charge at them all as we followed. "I TOLD YOU HE DIDNT TURN YOU DUMB ASS!" Someone yelled at re Destro. Twice and making clones as we started fighting all of the members. Most were killed before they could process anything that was happening, before they could use their quirks and before the could get ordered. I used my fire to freeze Re Destro where he was and he looked horrified. "you wanna play with fire, let's see how long you last in it." I said. He started begging for mercy but I wasn't having it. I was beyond pissed. My flames turned Red and I sent them straight to him. All you heard was his screams for a couple seconds and it was over. I brutally burned him alive. Clones were everywhere killing each member and going around campus to find more. I ran in and started fighting between me, Touya, Dad, Shoto and Kacchan there was fire all over the place. Kai and his men were fighting and killing people. It was like it was never ending with people. Keigo came out of no where and were fighting with us. We were not very gentle with the kills but what bothered me was Shoto and Kacchan seemed to not be bothered by killing them, that or they were blinded by rage right now. Tomura was more like on "hide the body" duty. He was turning all the fallen bodies to dust if they weren't already. Shiro and Naien were tearing through people like I've never seen them do before. Dad and Touya were on a roll with their fire Dad and him were taking out larger groups I finally had enough and yelled for everyone to move. They ran as fast as they could while the others were looking at me. I was up in red flames. Once I seen everyone out of the way... "DIE!" I screamed out and sent huge flames across the whole crowd screams were heard from all over but they didn't last long. The members of the army who were still coming in were quickly engulfed in flames dying within seconds. There was thousands of them in my flames. "Well there goes my kill count." I mumbled "Shoto, Shiro!"
I yelled and they looked at me. "ICE NOW!" I yelled out and they let out their ice. The fire was gone and all that remained was two large ass ice walls. "Tomura." He nodded and touched the ice and everything crumbled to dust. My flames went out and Naien was quick to come to me. I could feel him healing me and giving me energy. Once I was good I knew he went back so he could rest. The fight lasted 3 hours. But every person in the army was dead. My kill count was now well over 20,000 but I didn't care. Everyone was looking at me in shock. "What?" I asked and they all just kept looking at me. "Holy fuck Izu." Shoto said and I tilted my head "Were not done yet. We need to find who the fuck hurt Eri." I said and they nodded. We walked back over and seen clones surrounding all the dorm buildings. I nodded at twice and within seconds they all turned to a pile of mud. We walked into the dorms and everyone turned to look at us in shock, even Nezu. "So uh... I broke the rules, are we still going to prison?" I asked and everyone looked at me like I was an idiot. "No." Nezu said we all turned to him. "You guys were the only ones who could have defeated them. They would have went through the heroes like they were nothing.... what did you do with them all?" Nezu said and we looked away. "We killed them all." Kacchan said and I just looked at him dumb founded. "I did most of all the kills. I don't know if any got away because it was never ending but it ended pretty quickly when I told my group and others to back off. Shoto and Shiro used their ice to take out the flames and Tomura got rid of the ice. The clones that were surrounding the buildings are gone now so it should be safe for everyone. They were patrolling around the campus and took care of any others." I said and they all just looked at me dumbfounded. "Now. Who the fuck is responsible for Eri. I won't ask again. If I do I will go through each and every Pro Hero here until I get my answer." I said in a deep voice. A few shivered "We don't know, the detective asked everyone and it was none of the teachers." Nezu answered "And Mirio?" I asked and they all tensed. "He wanted his damn quirk back even though he would never get it back. So please do not tell me you forgot about him and another thing how the fuck do you not know if this bastard is lying or not? Did you forget he hates me because I killed All Might? Like what were you his lover or something cuz last I checked you had a wife." I said and glared at the detective who looked stunned. "I uh.. No.. he was my best friend.." the detective said "Yeah and Tomuras my best friend." I said with an eye roll but apparently Dad, Aizawa and Touya were the only ones who got it cause they laughed. "What the hell is th.... oh... HAHAHAHAH" Tomura started yelling before he caught on. "Isnt Tomura your boyfriend though?" Mic asked and we all just looked at him. He looked confused until his eyes widened "Oh. I get it now.." "HE WASNT MY FUCKING LOVER!" The detective yelled. I shrugged "I honestly don't give a shit anyway. The thing is, you hate us with a passion for what we did to your "best friend", Mirio hates us for the same reason. Look at Iida he tried to kill stain for what he did to his brother yet none of you look at Mirio for us. You used an innocent little girl as blackmail and leverage on us and now someone tortured her. So. Who wants to get questioned by me... cuz it won't be pretty." I said in a pissed off voice as my hand went up in flames. Everyone decided it even the detective and I could see the truth and fear in their eyes. "Bring the Walmart version of All Might to me." I all but growled out. Nezu laughed and told Snipe to go get Mirio.

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