Chapter 7

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The next morning as everyone woke up, Tomura and Izuku were still asleep but Dabi made sure everyone knew not to wake them up. Some tried to ask why and Dabi said they didn't need to know why but to leave them alone or they'll die by the hands of a pissed off Izuku. Toga knew right away not to wake him up, she did on accident when she was new to the base and got frozen to the floor by Shiro which woke Izuku up and he had a deadly glare in his eye. Toga shivered at the remembrance of it and told the others to listen to Dabi. After everyone ate breakfast, AFO had called a meeting with Dabi, Kurogiri made a portal for him. AFO greeted Dabi and told him to take a seat and offered tea to him. "So the reason for this, is because I want to talk to you about something." AFO started and Dabi nodded "So, I was worried about Izuku, I'm sure you know you and him are like sons to me" Dabi was surprised but nodded none the less "I heard what Izuku was talking about, and uh... every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday no one visits your mother, not even nurses between the hours of 1-3 pm. I checked the documents online and found it but also the video footage of outside her room and that information is correct. Even though you and Izuku have made a name for yourselves, no one knows what you two look like. Only problem is, how you'll get in. Kurogiri won't be able to make a portal inside due to the cameras everywhere except the rooms but it could cause problems if she screams or something by seeing the portal." AFO said and Dabi was filled with emotions. "Izuku would love to see mom again... we both would but I didn't know how to tell Izuku this, I don't think she would be mad at us at all. I think she would understand and be happy that we're safe and we're happy now." AFO nodded and agreed with it.

"You know Dabi, it might be something out of both your comfort zones but you and Izuku have been reported dead for what almost 10 years now?" AFO asked and Dabi nodded "Take that hair dye out of your hair if you both agree to visit her... if you do that there's no way she could deny that you two are her sons." AFO said and Dabi thought about it for a second but nodded his head. "I would do that, I think Izuku would also but I'll talk to him about him later" Dabi said and AFO nodded. "Just let me know, I'll find a way to get you two in and out of there safely and you both have Kurogiri on speed dial. If needed right?" Dabi nodded and said they do. Kurogiri opened a portal and Dabi came out with a smile on his face after thanking AFO for what he did.

Izuku woke up to a groan and movement, he opened his eyes to see Tomura waking up and the sun light shining right in his eyes. He groaned and hurried his face back into Tomuras chest which earned a chuckle from Tomura. "Goodmorning babe" Tomura said and Izuku blushed at the nickname "M-morning Tomu" Izuku greeted back as Tomura smiled with a hint of pink on his cheeks. "You Wanna go downstairs or back to bed? Even though it's... 1:30 in the afternoon" Tomura asked "cuddle and see where it takes us" Izuku mumbled and snuggled back into Tomura. Tomura chuckled and held Izuku close to him, which they ended up falling asleep but Izuku was thankful he decided to put a mini fridge in his room and even a microwave in his closet that was sound proof but he doesn't really use it that much. After a couple hours it was now 4 pm and Izuku and Tomura woke up again, they brushed their teeth and all that then crawled right back into bed playing Mario cart on their switch while being cuddled up to each other. When the two got hungry, Tomura said fuck it and made some ramen in the microwave for the both of them. No one knew about the microwave and food in the closet, only those two for when they'd stay up late playing video games. Some knew about the mini fridge but Izuku said it was just drinks in there. As the boys were taking a bite of noodles Dabi welcomed himself in the room, looked at the two, blinked and walked right back out the door. The two just looked at each other, shrugged and went back to their ramen and movie. After the movie was done, Toga knocked on the door saying dinner was done the boys groaned not wanting to leave the bed but did anyways still in their pajamas. They lazily walked down, some where surprised to see Tomura with his hair tied back in a bun and Izuku looked like he hasn't slept in four days. They were all starring at the two, Compress was the one to speak up "uh... you two okay?" They nodded and sat down in their chairs as Kurogiri served food. "Thanks Mamagiri" Izuku mumbled which everyone chuckled at the nickname while some agreed. "Izu, when we're done eating I have something I wanna talk to you about" Dabi said nervously Izuku raised an eyebrow but agreed.

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