chapter 7: This is our big night

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Applejack pov

I sighed as I took a step from outside my house. It was very early in the morning. Apple Bloom was too sick to attend school today so i would by myself this morning. 

She ate the pie that I made for my friends. So much of it, it made her sick. Suits her right for not asking for permission. So i had to make a new one.

With the green and brown book bag on my back, a long rainbow colored box with the skateboard inside, that I was holding with the side of my hip and arm. 

And the pie that was placed neatly in my bag. I walked down the fifteen minute walk. Standing on the corner waiting for the bus. It's too bad Bigmacs truck is too rusty and old to fix. I would have just driven to school.

The sky was tinted with a darker shade of blue, as I saw the sunset peaking on the horizon. Reminding me of Sunset Shimmer. I hope they can all forgive me. 

Standing there for about 12 more minutes, I got on the crowded bus, swiping my pass. I saw some kids who went to my school look at me in a sorrowful way. But what for? They then resumed back to the ongoing conversations. 

Again the woman and her baby were on the bus. But this bus ride was a lot calmer. It wouldn't give me a migraine that would kill my brain throughout the day. 

This ride was just bearable. As the bus finally pulled up to the school, I got off. There I was standing there. Across the street from Canterlot High. 

where I saw the girls standing in front of the entrance talking. This beat within my chest felt so heavy, it felt like this nonstop organ could fall to the pit of my stomach and never come back up. This beat was so heavy, it felt agonizing. 

This beat was so harsh, I could have felt fear. I looked down at my hand realizing I was shaking.

Gulping, I looked at all of the girls. Rarity paused and stared at me for a long time. Then nodded her head and gave me a warm smile. 

The other girls noticed her action and stared at me long and hard. But all I saw was the grief that filled their eyes. The same look the kids on the bus that goes to this school gave me. I walked across the street. We were now all 7 feet apart. 

 I looked at Rarity once more as she gave me an encouraging smile. I took in a very heavy breath.

 "I just wanted to tell you all..... I mighty sorry, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow and you Sunset. I guess i just been having a tough time and worse than anything i really experienced before. Sunset you were right, that doesn't give me the excuse to treat you guys horribly. I guess...." i sighed.

 "I guess i got to caught up in my own mind. I didn't stop to think about yalls feelings. My actions were very shameful. Rainbow Dash, i know this ain't the original exclusive skateboard you were bragging about. But the least i could do was make you one. They were all sold out. And twilight..."

 i put down the rainbow colored box and reach in my book bag were i had 400 dollars stored in one of the small compartments.

 "Here." i said while holding out my hand.

 She walked up to me and took the money from out of my hands. Squinting her eyes due to lack of vision. Her face very much bear without her glasses.

"Here Rainbow..." i said while handing the box to her as she walked up. "I understand if yall cant forgive.." as i was trying to finish my sentence, Rainbow Dash put down the multi colored box and gave me a tight hug.

 " " I said, finishing my sentence in a confused temperament.

"No Applejack, i'm the one that should be sorry. We didn't know you were going through that much. Since Granny Smith worked here, the school announcements said... she passed away." Rainbow said while sniffing. "I am so sorry Applejack."

Side By Side (A Rarijack story/ written by @PracticallyLesbianWhere stories live. Discover now