Chapter 33: Je t'aime

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Applejack pov

I held up a flashlight as I wandered around the Belle halls. The halls were long dark and somewhat narrow. But her room was just around the corner. Tripping over my shoelaces, I then got back up and ran to her room. Finally I made it.

"Rares!" I whispered. I then tiptoed over to her bed. Hopping on it slightly. "Rarity." I shook her. "Wake up." I once again spoke in a barely audible voice. "Well ain't she as pretty as a peach." I said to myself.

"Why is her face so red though?" I giggled.

"Rarity." Finally she awoke.

"Applejack? What are you doing in here? You should be in the guest room. I'm trying to get my beauty sleep." Rarity said

"Forget beauteh sleep. I wanna show yous somethin."

Rarity then rubbed her tired eye. "But what if my mother catches us?"

"Then we won't get caught. I promise." I replied grabbing onto her hands. "C'mon now." I then yanked her out of her bed.

"Don't be such a wuss."

I then grabbed the flashlight and roamed through the halls once more. Finally reaching the guest room.

"Introdusen the one and only. Campsy Appletwees." I said as I opened the door.

There were pillows, sticks and covers stacked into a mini tent. Accompanying that were cardboard cutouts of Apple trees and fake candles that lit up from miniature sized light bulbs.

"Ooh." Rarity took in the sight as she entered the room. "How did you make this?" she whispered as she turned to me."

"I ain't sure. I just did. C'mon." I grabbed her hand as we both went under the tent. Which had a little projector shooting up at the tent ceiling of stars. Next to it was a bag of marshmallows.

We both laid down and stared at the fake starts. "Ain't they pretty?" I said shoving a marshmallow inside of my mouth.

"It is." she turned over to me.

"Want one?" I offered.

"I'm not allowed to eat midnight snacks. Mom said it will make me fat." She said as she adjusted her pink nightgown.

"So what." I said as I gave her it.

She then took a bite. "Mmm, it's yummy."

"It's good ain't it."

We then ate more until the bag was empty.

As Rarity looked at me curiously. She opened her mouth and spoke. "What do you want to be when you're an adult?"

"Abult?" I questioned.

"No silly Adult. You know, like tall people." Rarity giggled.

"Oh?" I shook my head, still kinda confused.

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?" She asked as she rested her head on her hands.

"I don't know. I do know I wanna help out my family and work on the farm." I answered as I turned to her. "What bout you?"

"Hmm I want to be a model. They all look so pretty and I wanna be just like them." Rarity pressed her hands together.

"You mean people who paint their face and switch down an aisle."

"It's called makeup darling."

I then got up from the tent. Quickly but quietly exiting out.

"Where are you going?" Rarity followed.

Side By Side (A Rarijack story/ written by @PracticallyLesbianWhere stories live. Discover now