Chapter 9: Denying

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Rarity pov

I laid in bed still thinking about the event that took place earlier tonight. At this point I knew for certain I wasn't the only one who felt some sort of attraction. But i'm not queer, right?

I sighed pulling a pillow over my head. "What if I scare her away? Even worse! What if I just ruined our friendship?" sighing again i turned to the side feeling the need to tell someone about this interaction.

 I just knew it couldn't be any of my close six friends. Maybe someone like Vignette. What are the odds she is up at this late hour?

What if she mocked me for almost kissing a girl? What if everyone did? Especially my parents. At least I can trust Sweetie Bell. She won't mind. 

After all her and the Cutie Mark Crusaders always knew there was something between us two.

How do I even know I can act on these feelings? What if it is all just a big misunderstanding? Maybe I could just pretend none of it happened.

Beep! Beep!

I heard a notification on my phone. Quickly I picked it up. Looking at the glowing screen I saw it was a text from Rainbow Dash. I clicked on our messages to read what was below.

Rainbow Dash: Sooo, how was your "prom date"

As I looked over the message, my mind filled with a bit of confusion. Prom date? I didn't have one. Unless she was referring to Applejack. I rather she wouldn't. I then replied.

Me: Prom date?

Rainbow Dash: Yes! You and Applejack nearly kissed. AND ME AND PINKIE SAW FROM AFAR! YOU ASKED HER TO DANCE! If the cake never exploded you would have kissed her.

Me: It's really nothing Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash: Hey is everything okay?

Me: yes. It's late, I'll text you tm. Night"

Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard knocking on my door. It must have been Sweetie Bell.

"Come in." I said not bothering to look over.

"How was prom?" Sweetie Bell asked with pure excitement.

"It was okay." I said with the covers still over my head.

"Any lucky boys get to dance with you?" she teased.

"No, I spend time with my friends." I answered plainly.

"Did you dance with anyone?" she pressed.

"No!" I answered louder than I should have. So much I'm pretty sure Sweetie Bell could tell it was a bold face lie.


"Y-yes really" I stuttered a bit.

"Hmm well okay. I'm going to go to bed now big sis. Goodnight." she said with the same type of chuckle Apple Bloom had when she questioned me about liking her older sister.

I couldn't possibly like girls. It's just impossible. Isn't it? .

Then why do I find myself so lighthearted when I'm around her? Happy? The typical butterflies in my stomach? Maybe it's just some type of phase going on? Nothing big. I should just get over it, I should get over her.

As the weekend went by, finally it was Monday. I was sitting in my math class, trying to pay attention to the numbers on the board. Trying to pay attention to the variables and the patterns that went along with each equation. 

Side By Side (A Rarijack story/ written by @PracticallyLesbianWhere stories live. Discover now