chapter 19: Locker room

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As I was jump roping I couldn't help but think of how long Rarity was taking in the girls locker room. She would have been out by now. I wonder what was taking her so long.

I put down the jump rope and headed to the girls locker room. Knocking, I called Rarity's name.

"Rarity, Are you alright in there?" I waited for a response but I didn't get any. "Rarity?" I called once more.

I slowly opened up the door just to witness her clutching onto the locker in front of her, breathing frantically. As the second went by I saw her grip losing.

"Rarity!"I shouted. I ran up and caught her fall. Gently I laid her head in my lap as her body rested on the grey tile floor. I tried to fan air at her with my hand.

Still her breaths were heavy and frantic. She barely looked conscious.

"Rarity?" I called, a tear slipping out, this scene Reminded me of my grandmother.

"Rarity!" I tried to gently shake her. It looked like her energy was coming back to her slowly.

"Applejack..." she barely spoke. Still trying to catch her breath.

She slowly sat and held her stomach, which looked like it was crapping. Probably due to her period. I thought.

"Rarity, I gotta get you to the school nurse." I said in a panic.

"No, I'll be fine." she said as she continued to hold onto her stomach. Groaning in pain.

"You nearly passed out!" I raised my voice just a tad.

"I'll be fine. I don't know what came over me. I feel better now. Plus I have a test. " she said, a little dry. "Don't worry about me.....Please."

Finally she looked back at me, my face was slightly tear stained, my cheeks a little red.

"Apple..." I saw her grab onto her stomach for a quick second. She then scooted closer to me and placed her palm on my face. "I'll be okay, I promise...." She looked down, a little nervous. "Please don't cry.... I'll be okay." She said gently rubbing her thumb on my cheek.

"I ain't crying, I'm just teary eyed." I said, whipping away the remainder. Forming a small joke.

She had a frail laugh. She looked very much sick, her skin was dull, her lips were not the typical pink. She was smaller than usual. Something was clearly wrong. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

She noticed I once again looked worried and saddened. "I'll be fine Apple." She smiled weakly.

She slowly stood up and readjusted her black sports bra. She then put the gym t-shirt over her head.

I got up from the tile floor and stood close, still concerned for her. "I'll go get you a water. I have a spare in my backpack.

I jogged out the locker room and grabbed a spare water. I saw Rarity grab her head but yet she continued to try to stand tall. Quickly, I jogged up to her handing her the water. Unconsciously I held her arms or shoulders. Making sure I wouldn't let her fall.

"Better?" I Asked.

From the corner of my eye I saw Rainbow Dash looking over with a small smirk. Twilight was looking over too. Yet when I looked back over, they turned the other way with small laughter or giggles.

"Mhm." Once I heard Rarity's voice, I focused my attention on her.

"Students, you know the drill. Head out to the field." Mr.Perfume said.

Side By Side (A Rarijack story/ written by @PracticallyLesbianWhere stories live. Discover now