Chapter 13: Are we going to have a problem

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I walked down the halls of the school building. Majority of the other students were making noises that could dagger the eardrum. I went inside of my dull green locker, placing things like my phone in there and other essentials. 

Even my hat. Keeping my book bag on me, I walked down to my advisory. I even saw a new guard waiting outside of the classroom.

I opened up the white door and stepped into a classroom that had food splattered all over the place and dust. 

"What in Tarnation?" I said while scratching my head.

"Pinkie" All of my friends' voices coincided as they pointed at pinkie.

"Pinkie, just try to remember not to randomly throw sprinkles. Even if you are excited about the chocolate milk contest." Sunset said with a warm smile on her face, wiping the cake bits out of her hair.

The Advisor looked over towards Pinkie Pie with a sharp glare. "Pinkie Pie! you have detention, and after school you have to clean up this class room! Got it!"

"Awh but I have to go to a chocolate milk competition. Can I please have detention tomorrow?" Pinkie pleaded.

"No! Maybe this will teach you a lesson!" she snarled.

"Mrs.Flower, can I clean the classroom for her. She has really important plans after school that I wouldn't want her to miss." Sunset said.

"I supposed. Pinkie pie I hope you learned your lesson." She then sat down at her desk. Typing on her computer.

I sat down at the table. Wiping some access cake off of the seat.

"I hope you did Pinkie because this was pure silk." Rarity said while wiping cake crumbs off of her skirt.

"Thank you so much Sunset! How do I make it up to you?" she said while holding on to Sunset's hands.

"How about you stop throwing sprinkles?" she said in a playful tone.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" she said while giving Sunset a huge hug.

"Y-you're welcome Pinkie. I... can't breathe." Sunset said with a bit of a struggle.

"Oh, sorry." Pinkie said while letting go.

Fluttershy then turned to me with a warm smile. She gently tapped my shoulder.

"Hello Applejack." Fluttershy said shyly to me.

"Howdy." I said with a smile.

"While I was walking to school today, I saw the prettiest Flower. And a cute little Blue butterfly was resting on it." she said while clasping her hands together.

"What type of Butterfly was it? " I asked with slight curiosity.

"Oh, it was a Morpho Butterfly." she easily answered.

Just as I was about to respond to Fluttershy. Twilight yelled across the table.

"Guys I'm in a crisis! " She said while frantically placing her hands on her head.

" I Feel like she is over exaggerating." Rainbow Dash said while blowing her bangs.

"Oh no, what's wrong." Fluttershy said while leaning in her chair.

"Timber asked me out on a date! Jeez, jeez, jeez! I don't know what to do." Twilight said while putting her head down.

"What are you going to wear?" Fluttershy asked.

Side By Side (A Rarijack story/ written by @PracticallyLesbianWhere stories live. Discover now