Chapter 36: The place of Dwelling

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Rarity Pov

Shining, shimmering and dazzling. Shining, shimmering and dazzling. Shining, shimmering and once more dazzling.

All of my remains from when I once was beautiful. When my body was a perfect sculpture.

"Everything alright Rarity?"Adagio leaned over while placing her hand on her own sand colored cheek.

She then ate the remaining food on her plate while mine was full.

"You're not going to eat are you?" She questioned with slight disappointment.

"Rarity you need to eat something." Adagio pressed. "You've been starving yourself for weeks. Please eat something." Adagio nearly begged.

Hesitantly, I picked at the boiled egg. Picking it up. Slowly and steady, I put it close to my mouth. However, I felt a gag reflex.

"I can't...."

"But you can Rarity. I know you can."

My eyes, for a short moment, connected with hers. But slowly they reverted back to the food on the plate. My finger picked and played with the food slightly. Not ever, talking a bite.

"Would you rather have soup?"

Lightly I nodded my head.

She left the table and headed out into the kitchen. From the distance I heard Sonata greet someone at the door. A familiar voice calmly shouted my name. Twilight.

"Hi Rarity. How are you feeling?" she asked while handing me a tiny box that was engulfed in white and pink wrapping.

"What is it?" I wondered as my tone of voice came off the topic of food.

"Open it." She asserted with a gleam upon her face.

I untied the pink bow, and undid the not so neat wrap. Revealing a tiny cardboard colored box. Opening it, I saw a golden heart shaped locket, with a diamond chain that shined in the light ever so brightly.

"Oh Twilight." My voice began to get a little dramatic. I then opened up the locket to disclose a picture of me and the rainbooms. "How did you get this?"

"Well me and the girls wanted to think of a special present to give to you. So I thought, what if we made Rare a locket. And so we did. We found a group photo. Pinkie printed it out and Applejack carved the locket. Fluttershy made the chain. Rainbow Dash painted the locket. And I wanted to be here to gift it to you." Twilight lastly said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"I just wish you were all here." I replied as I pulled her in a hug.

"Me too. But all of their schedules seem to be really busy." Twilight concluded as she twirled her hand in a circular motion.

"I have your soup."Adagio rushed in, placing it near me.

"Morning....Twilight." Adagio half way smiled.

"Salutations." Twilight beamed. "So Rarity, How has it been with your therapist? Has she helped you?"

"Well yesterday she made me pick up a string...."

"And.."Twilight motioned

"She told me to cut an amount that I thought would fit around my arm. The string I cut was pretty long. So then she wrapped another string around my arm and cut it. Her string was much shorter than the one that I cut." My tone remained puzzled.

"I don't understand why the string was so small when I see myself as this... huge monster." I stuttered out.

Adagio paused as she looked at me. Her facial expression once again wore concern.

Side By Side (A Rarijack story/ written by @PracticallyLesbianWhere stories live. Discover now