chapter 22: Golden Office

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Rarity Pov


"Savvy, You requested our presence." I asked as I felt my throat run dry and parched. Nervously I bit my lip.

"Yes, indeed. The staff informed me that you and Adagio were not present in today's meeting." He then turned to Adagio. "The music Must have overridden the announcement. Am I correct Adagio?" Savvy questioned in a smooth calm voice.

"Y-Yes" she quietly stuttered.

"For now on, keep the music down. Suri, please Escort Adagio back to her room." He said as he folded his hands together.

"Shouldn't you be offering Adagio further opportunity" Mrs.Polomare suggested. Still it was clear that she favored Adagio.

"Do as requested Suri." He said as he remained calm and collected.

"Yes sir." she said reluctantly as she ushered Adagio from out of the space. Just as they left, the room ran cold and for some reason I could feel shivers run down my spine.

"Rarity Bell, You have been the talk of the town. Spotted without your guards this Saturday evening. I am very aware that both you and Adagio headed out without even signing out. Why is it that she lied?"

I stood there a little dumb founded, not very sure of what to say.

"It seems you don't know. Well fine, I see I wont get much out of you. I'll let both of you off the hook this once. But I do ask you of this. More so... Demand. From all across this country, Equestria. You have been the main face of beauty. Yet my supervisors keep making a fuss about one particular feature that you have Rarity."  He got up from his desk and slowly walked over to me. He had a small pouch clutched in his hand.

"And what is it sir?" I asked as I once again gulped.

"To put it mildly. You are overweight." He said as he once again gazed at the golden and black pouch placed in his hand.

"But I.......I worked so hard to get to the size that I am now. I diet nonstop, Exercise almost everyday."

"Well the size that you are just isn't cutting it." He said, as he finally looked away from the pouch and then, at me.

"Listen Rarity, it is nothing personal. I can see that you did everything in your power to look perfect. Some people I guess just are not meant to be beautiful."

Feeling tears swell my eyes, i held them back.

"But there is something that you could do to change this imperfection about you."

I looked up a bit curiously. "W-What can i do?"

"Take this. These are weight loss pills. A Small dosage of DNP is submitted into these yellow capsules. Take one a day and you should see results in as little time as a week. If I don't see any results by Friday, Well.... You can't participate in next week's runway. Do I make myself clear?"

"I understand." I said as I took the small pouch from him.


It was now a Sunday. Me Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Dashie, and pinkie were all invited to Applejacks little family get together. In celebration of Granny smith, and all of the great things that she has done for her family.

Side By Side (A Rarijack story/ written by @PracticallyLesbianWhere stories live. Discover now