Ask 1 (+Age and height of the Sans in the Autor's head)

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Jill : Hey guys !!

Kathleen : What do you want ?

Jill : An asker was kind enough to ask about the ability the protector talked about.

The protectors all snap their neck in our direction, with a look of fear. The other Sans are more concerned about the "crack" who came from the motion.

Protectors : Oh no...

Kathleen : Welp, time to spill the bean, then. ... But, I feel like you are planning something, Jill.

Jill : What ? Me ? I would never dare. Don't you trust me ?

Kathleen : What kind of fool trust a demon ?

Jill : Anyway ! Tell them !!

Kathleen : Fine, fine. So, you remember the protector all seemed down, when talking about an ability of them yesterday, right ?

They all nod.

Marvul : Well, Chronicle just gave them a compationate look, though.

Chronicle : It is easier to live for me than for them, that's why.

Kathleen : The protectors have the ability of reading the creator's script. Which means they basically know your past, present and futur. Everything about you which was decided by your creator is something they have access to. Which is a lot of informations.

The Sanses turn toward the protectors who all look away.

Kathleen : And yeah. It include knowing your death, if it has been decided ahead of time.

Ink : I couldn't predict Gin's one, because his script became unreadable.

Chronicle : That's always happen when you are stuck in what the creators call "ask question blog". Because the creators are unpredictable by time.

Ink : In the same way, I can see Error's past, but not his futur.

The other all nod.

Reboot : It is a curse more than a gift. The Inks are lucky enough to be really forgetfull.

Ink : I agree...

Kathleen : I think Ink's bad memory come from the fact he knows too much if not. So, it's to block the access to those informations.

Ink : ...

Phoenix : Wait... so that's mean... when you met someone for the first time, you can basically know everything about them ?

Paint : Yes, but we usually don't activate it. You know, to respect your privacy and...

Template : Ourselves. Because, if we befriend you, only to see you are meant to die...

Ink : That's why Chronicle is lucky, on that regard.

They all turn to him.

Chronicle : There is nobody where I live. I don't even have an Error. I am all alone in my booksphere. A giant library with the book of each AU. It's easier to live. I don't meet any of you, you are just ink on paper, for me, thanks to it...

Marvul : You are... all alone ?

Chronicle : Well, yeah, but it isn't that big of a deal. There is so many AU and books I can read about, and I fall asleep at anytime. My perfect memory is so I can notice if there is a change in one of the books too.

Dream : Ink... How often do you use the script reading ?

Ink : Hm... I do it each time I create an AU with the creators, to see the script and what they plan to do. I also check from time to time there was no alteration to the script. But, that's all I do... I don't want to spoil myself about the story the creators create with you all.

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