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Dreamswap : Ah, all of us, really ?

Kathleen : Yeah, but actually, no. I have no complain toward Swap nor Myriad or Robin, so they can just sit and relax, I guess.

Robin, Swap and Myriad let escape a sigh of relief to know they escaped the complains and rants.

Ink : So, the problem is about Phoenix, Illusion and Paint ?

Kathleen : No, no. I am including Hacker, Bobby, Randy and Flinch in it.

Jill : Translation : DS!Killer, DS!Dust, DS!Horror and DS!Color.

Kathleen : Ok, let's start with explaining what I am going to complain. What I want to complain about is some part of the story. That's why the three other are spared. Swap's story was done beautifully well, and I sure hope this won't be skrewed up by the creator anytime soon. We don't know much about Myriad, but that's alright, he is a really good character, and the small glimpses we got explain a lot. As for Robin, his story makes sense too, so this is fine.

Eraser : Wait, because the other doesn't make sense ?

Kathleen : Yes. Let's start with the oldest, so the guardians. So, my problems are the following : One, what the fuck is wrong with Nims in Dreamswap ?! ; two, why not just keeping Nightmare and Dream as twins ?. Now, let's go on explaining what I mean by saying there is something wrong with Nims in DS. Jill, would you ?

Jill : In Dreamtale, and most of its AUs, the same thing usually happen before the nirth of Nightmare and Dream. A nameless human attacks Nims and the tree. Even though Nims is supposed to be more powerful than both twins, she ends up mortally wounded, though she does kill the human. In her dying moment, she take an apple of each side of the tree and create Dream and Nightmare out of it. The reason their name are so explicit about their personnality and power is related to it, since she didn't have time to think of more complicated name. Then, after creating their body, she fuse with the Tree of Feelings, and can only interact as some kind of ghost from time to time with the twins. This is basically canon Dreamtale Nims.

Kathleen : Now, why, why the fucking hell is that so different in Dreamswap ?! One, there was not one but two humans. And while in Dreamtale, the human is implied to have been made by the guardian of the tree of life and death, Quelzacoalt, so explaining how he could cause Nims's death, those human bandits that attack Nims in Dreamswap ? They are just regular human beings. They didn't even scratch her, she killed them on spot. Then, for some twisted reason, she thought "Let's kidnap their baby sons and make them pay for their father's sin then take a eternal nap in the tree". Like what the fuck ?! I know Nims don't like mortals, but she would never trust Dream and Nightmare like that with the tree ! (though I agree that the idea of the spell making their life connected is not a bad idea) Worse, it is said a priest made their education. No wonder Illusion turn into a delinquent ! How many to bet everyone always told him he was basically the devil himself ?! How do you expect him to accept to be kind toward anyone in those circonstances ?! In Dreamtale, Nims made the twins out of last resort, because she was DYING ! She didn't have much of a choice. ... Except for this, I am fine with most... Just, why did the creator not keep Dream and Nightmare being actual twin brothers. And before someone tell me they aren't... THEY ARE LITERALLY APPLES FROM THE SAME TREE ! That would make those two apples "siblings" and so, they would be siblings, no matter what anybody say ! Not only that, but they were raised as brothers anyway.

Kathleen sighs.

Phoenix : ... Was it all about us ?

Kathleen : Yeah, you both are safe, because the rest is okay. You are still going to be mention, but not because I am complaining about you. Onto Paint. So, there were redcone in DS. At first, Paint was like Ink, he needed to drink vials to have feelings. The pacing of the Multiverse is what was different, if I could say. While in the original Multiverse, Ink is already affirmed as himself and as got a hang of his purpose, personality and true self, in Dreamswap, Paint is most likely way younger and sooner in time. Which is one of the reason why he had nothing to do with X-Tale situation, because he never met X-Gaster. At that time, I had no problem with Paint. However... I have big problem with the redcone version. In the redcone, Paint was a human weapon that was taught how to kill people and that at some point kinda broke free of  whatever they were doing to him. He also has a soul. I don't like this one at all. Especially because this take away some really interesting thing about Ink's character. In Dreamswap, Paint isn't really swapped with Cross after all. And, by doing it like that, I am sorry, but Paint looks even more like Killer than he already does. I mean, why do you think most of the Nightkiller shipper ship DS Drink ?! Look at their dynamic and dare to tell me this doesn't remind you of each other !

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