A few realisations

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All : About what ?

Kathleen : I wil be honest, there will be a bit of ranting, but it should be mild. I will start with something about Unlust.

Lust : Huh, I guess it's a version of me ?

Kathleen : Yeah, so, I am not familiar with everything, but here is what I got... So, Lust and Red were in couple, but Red at some point, becomes a toxic boyfriend and beats Lust. I never got whether they actually broke up or not before the rest of the thing happen... Anyway, Lust starts closing himself and also change his clothing style, though it still look good on him and develops some fear of touch. I am unsure whether this is strong enough to be qualify as a phobia or not, but he is uncomfortable with people touching him, if they aren't people he trusts. Then, Dust comes in the picture and test some kind of weird drug on Lust, which, if I remember right causes him to at some point kill his Papyrus, if not more people.

Most Sans jump at the information, in shock.

Kathleen : It seems there is maybe moment where the effect wears off and all, after that I don't really get how that happened, but some people depict Unlust as capable of turning into some kind of dragon thingy ?

Ink : Like Aster ?

Kathleen : Yes, this is the idea.

Envy : So, outside of traumatising us, why are you talking about it ?

Kathleen : Well, one : What the hell happened with the dragon transformation thingy ? I guess. And two... Suggesting a way for Lust to keep that cool as hell ability while not forcing him to go through all of the Unlust thing ?

Jill : Because nothing spell cool better than dragon.

Ink and Kath nod at this, while Zephyr rolls his eyes... before being hit by Updog's tail, when the Blaster comes to ask Ink some cuddles.

Lust : So, what is the suggestion ?

Kathleen : Well, using Aster, I guess. I will be more precise, though. There is a lot of stories where Ink knows that Error is destroying an AU either because he "feels a disturbance in the force" or because if an AU is attacked, he will feel pain. If we go with the second option, this means that Ink and Error's battles evolved through time.

Jill : More precisely : At first, Ink was overwhelmed by the pain possibly and so unable to even show up in the AUs, causing Error and any other destroyer to be able to act without a Protector coming to fight them and stop them. Then, after sometime, Ink manages to go in the AU and show his face, but is maybe not quite yet capable of properly facing Error.

Kathleen : In that case, it can also be the point in time where Ink and Gin meet. And it would also be the one where he would meet the version of Lust that interest us.

Jill : The last point is Ink being finally capable of fighting Error as an equal.

Kathleen : Anyway, the idea would be, during that second phase, Error attacks a version of Underlust. Ink maybe tried to fight Error, but needed to retreat quickly even so. He could have taken Lust who wasn't far from there with him.

Jill : Whether Lust just didn't fit in the Omega timeline, was rejected because of his AU or that Ink just had straight up teleported them both in Aster's lab because Ink needed treatment (and possibly Lust) is up to you.

Kathleen : The important thing is : Lust comes to live with Aster for some reason. Maybe to help healing Ink, since he is often imagine being good at healing magic. Anyway, Lust is living there, maybe as an assistant for Aster. And he somehow ends up in a similar situation to Aster.

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