About the roles and Characters in Undertale.

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Ink : You really did.

Kathleen : Shut it. Why is it easier to find the Role part than the Characters one...

Chrome : Maybe because some of the trait of the Role are inherant part of the Character ?

He drinks at his tea, looking gorgeous like always.

Kathleen : Anyhow ! I made it, so let's do it ! We will do them in the order they appear in game. So, starting with the human.

Jill : The Human would be divided as the following : The Player, the Last fallen human and Frisk. The Player is self explanatory. This is for whenthere is a player present in the story, and so, that the attribute of Frisk aren't respected. The Last Fallen Human is the usual title, since this is what they are, no matter the timeline they would be on.

"Frisk : Role : The Last fallen human.

Controlled by the player (if Player there is), The Ambassador, The guide of the First human (applies to the Player instead if they are there).

Personality : A true Pacifist, The flirty one."

Kathleen : By the way, I realised something. You know, in the Pacifist run, I always found it odd we had more determination that the equivalent of 7 human souls, when in neutral, Flowey and the 6 souls had more than us. But, I think I realised why... Actually, in Pacifist the soul we control is worth 3 determination souls instead of 2, I think.

Classic : Huh, Kath, you need to go back in your math class... There is only one soul...

Kathleen : There is one visible soul, but there is 3 different owners. Frisk is the obvious one. Some people did realise that Chara is quite obviously helping Frisk during that fight, which already make it two. And, there is a third person. The Player. At that moment, during Pacifist, all three souls move with the same desire. While, in normal time, Chara is taking a more passive role, seeking guidance through our action, and in case you didn't do a neutral pacifist, why would Frisk's soul share the same will as yours ?

Ink : Oh. That could make sense ?

The other Protector nods. They have seen enough weirdness to be unable to deny the possibility anyway.

Kathleen : Back on track though, let's go with our dear Flowey.

"Flowey : Role : The Soulless One. Late Prince of the Monsters, Main Antagonist of the game, final boss of the Neutral run, previous owner of the reset, Stalker of the Last human, best friend of the First human.

Personality :  currently a psychopathic killer,  curious individual,  manipulative, "It's killed or be killed"."

Kathleen : I couldn't think of more...

 "Toriel : Role : The caretaker of the Ruins. Asgore's (estranged) wife, Queen of the Monsters, Mother of Asriel and the First fallen human, The "tutoriel", resents the King, loves puns, made a promise with the Judge, later adopts the Last Fallen Human (if Pacifist).

Personality : kind, motherly, loves snails, assosiated with pies, good drinker."

Kathleen : I am sure I am missing some other things to add, but this is all I can think of. Careful that no matter the AU, with Toriel and Asgore, you cannot take from them the fact they are the parents of Asriel, Chara and Frisk.

"Dummy : Role : The dummy (?). Part of the Game tutoriel, cared for by Mad Dummy, Mad Dummy's cousin.

Personality : the silent and shy type (if their cousin is to be trusted on it)."

Kathleen : So, this is a bit of a personal problem of mine, but, usually, people swap them with Mad when doing a Swap world... And, well, it seems unlikely for me, because of the fact that Mad attacks you. Asgore would be a complete fool to ask you to have a friendly conversation with Mad. Napstablook make more sense, since they are also inside the ruins. Which would mean swapping Mettaton and Mad... Which also makes more sense... Especially now that Mad Mew Mew exists.

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