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Error, Zephyr, Tam : Gin !!!!!!

Gin : Hm ?

Nightmare : Error is very much alive, though.

Dream : I mean, the both of them are sharing room, so...

Ink : Why is everyone thinking this is about us ?!

Kathleen : Sorry ? Calm down, this isn't about Gink (yet), don't worry.

Error : ... I feel like there was some untold word in that sentence.

Kathleen : Your mind must be playing tricks on you, like often. So, can I start ?

All : Oh, yeah, sure.

Kathleen : Great. So, I want to discuss how I saw pregnancy being depicted in some of the stories I read and just some things I saw left and right who got my attention.

Everyone sit down, though Ink is kept away from Gin, with Error holding him and glaring at the taller skeleton. Ink has an awkward smile.

Kathleen : To be honest, most of the fandom seem to be divided into two factions when this come to the pregnancy of the skeleton monsters. Team one is that the "Mother" of the child will have a summon ecto-body to keep the kid's soul inside of their womb. I guess the intent is to imitate human pregnancy, since it would make it "easier". Team two, meanwhile, is that the souling is inside (?) or tied somehow at least, to the soul of the "Mother", at least during early pregnancy. This one usually will be more frequent if the writer do not want the characters to realise immediately that they are pregnant.

Jill : There could be other depictations, but those are the most represented ones, hence why they are mentionned.

Ink : There is maybe stories that would fuse the two, though.

Everyone turn toward him, so he can develop.

Ink : Having the early stage of the pregnancy with the souling attached to the soul of the Mother, and after a certain point, the soul is strong enough to detach itself from the one of the mother, and then move to the womb in order to form the body of the child.

Kathleen : I agree this one must exist, and this would make sense, I think. I also see why the fandom made the pregnancy being like this, though. If we use the first method, then in theory, any skeleton monsters, as long as they did the requiered "activities" could get pregnant. But, in the second option, the one lacking a soul, like Ink and 404, would not be able to have children. At least, as the mother, of said children. Maybe they can still be the Father, though.

Jill : Ah, precision. Kath use Mother and Father here, as the one carrying the children and the other parent, not something else. Though this is maybe obvious, we decided it would be worth mentioning...

Kathleen : Though, whether Ink and 404 would be the only ones is debatable.

404 : Hm ? Why ? There is nobody else among the Sans lacking a soul, no ?

He turns toward the room and they all agree.

Kathleen : Indeed, but there is other problem. For example, I ran recently in a OS, in which Killer said he couldn't be pregnant. At first it confused me, because I felt in the way he said it, that, he could have a kid, if he was the Father, but not the Mother. But, after thinking, I wanted to facepalm for not realising earlier.

Killer : ... Ah ! The Determination.

Kathleen : Indeed. In case that the pregnancy would be a fixation on the soul, then, Killer would be unable to have kids, because his Determination is too high. It would surely kill the souling, unfortunately. This wouldn't be as dangerous if Killer is the Father. Though, this is worth noting that in that case, Color and maybe Cross (during the time he is fused with CC) would also be unable to be the Mother of the kid. Color, because he fused with 6 human souls, meaning that he technically as either as much or more Determination than Killer. Cross could be debated, since he only has one half of a human soul, but this is a determined soul of all type, so, still dangerous.

Jill : At least, this is the only way that Kath could make sense of what Killer said in that OS.

Kathleen : And, in case of a fixation on the soul, what can also be debated, is whether or not some of the other Sanses could. By "some" I am targeting : Geno, possibly Error and After. Or any Sans either missing part of their soul or having an unstable one. (which also put Cross in this category, during the same period of time as before).

Ink : I guess people could argue that After having 8/9 of the soul, he still could get pregnant, but, yeah, Geno and is one nineth of a soul, would have a hard time.

Kathleen : Yup. And ERRORs in general are said to have unstable code, so this could make it hard for them to actually get pregnant, and even if they could, it isn't unlikely that this would increase the chance of a miscarriage.

Jill : Also, if you make Geno unable to be the pregnant one, this mean in Afterdeath, that Reaper is the one carrying the kid. So, this mean, quite obviously that he can touch the child, since if not, they would have died long ago.

Ink : And I guess this would mean, that one, Reaper would not be allowed to continue drinking coffee like before.

The God whines at this.

Kathleen : And this would surely call for Reaper taking a maternity leave, which mean that at one point or another, all of Reapertale would know he is expecting a kid... which has potential for angst or at least, drama.

Jill : However, we have another headache, when this comes from pregnancy.

All : We do ?

Kathleen : Dream and Nightmare. They are energy being and their magic is linked to emotions, so this could raise some questions here too. For example, I have seen once a story where Killer was pregnant and questioned Nightmare about how energy being have kids, to which Nightmare straight out said "I cannot have children, unless I desire so". Meaning that Nightmare, and by exention, Dream, can only have kids if they want to. Whether their magic will also take in account the feeling of their partner could be debated, though. And, in all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised.

Ink : Yeah, this would make sense... Huh, anyway, are we released, now ?

Kathleen : Not quite. I have another thing to say, which is related to you, Ink.

Ink gulps.

Kathleen : In all honesty, I don't think depicting Ink as the Mother of the children is a good idea. Like, ever. Because, like said before, depending on the type of depictation you choose for that one story, Ink maybe cannot even have kids, or at least, be the Mother. But, to make it worst, Ink is a close fighter, someone who is unable to feel pain, pretty often show to overwork, cannot you go and take a maternity leave just because he wants to, and he could easily lose his kids because of a fight he was in and the injuries he would suffer from. Like, Ink has so many thing that increase the chance of him having a miscarriage, even compared to other characters that this is frightening...

Jill : Translation. If you want Ink to have kids, make him a top !!

Kathleen tries to argue but decides not to.

Ranting with the SansesWhere stories live. Discover now