Dream and Ink's abilities

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The two founder of the Star Sans look at the title and then each other, with a certain anxiety.

Kathleen : Oh, come on, it won't be that bad. And, I didn't really put your names here for the same reason...

Ink : What ?

Kathleen : I kinda put Dream's name here, because I would like for those that will read this one to tell me some of the abilities that they saw Dream having in other stories. I would kinda need a list of those, for a story of mine.

Dream : I ignore if this relieves me or not...

Error : And, I am guessing that Ink is very much there because you have something to actually talk about ?

Ink : Why is it always me...?

Gin : The downside of being the favorite.

Kathleen : It won't be long, don't worry.

Everyone gives her a doubtful expression, which upset her, but she doesn't say anything, understanding where the disbelief comes from.

Kathleen : In a few stories, some Creators makes Ink talk to Broomie (his giant paintbrush) as if Broomie could answer him.

Ink : Because he does.

Everyone stops for a second to look at Ink and Kath coughs to get back the attention.

Kathleen : Well, in some stories, as crazy as it sound, Ink is likley saying the truth. In some case, it is just put there for comedy or to make Ink look a bit crazy...

Tam : As if he wasn't enough already.

Ink : Hey ! Have some respect for crazy people. They were usually sane at some point in their life, unlike me.

Kathleen : ... Anyway, in those stories, it is usually shown by one of a few ways. If the story is on Ink's POV then, by either having Broomie shown to speak or by having it happen through the narration. It could even include giving Broomie the ability to move on its own. Most likely to gather Ink's things to make sure he doesn't forget something or stuff like this.

Nightmare : Ok, so Ink's brush is maybe really alive. Like in some Multiverse, Dust isn't actually hallucinating his Papyrus, it is really there.

Dust : Pap is very real.

Kathleen : What interest me in that power are more the questions it raises. Can Ink only talk with Broomie ? Or can he communicate with other innanimate objects ? If so, is there some criteria for the communication and what are they ?

Ink : ...

Kathleen : So, because it would be boring if we settled with "it is exclusive to Broomie" let's dig in !

All : She lost it...

Kathleen : For starters, it would be important to list all the properties of Broomie to be capable of making a list of the criteria. So, Broomie is made out of wood. It is a tool. More precisely, an art tool. Depending on the story, it can also be a magical choosy artefact, that picked Ink as its master. It is possibly a really old item, since Broomie has been by Ink's side from before he started to venture the Multiverse.

Jill : So, the criteria are : magical item, made out of wood, a tool, an art tool, maybe an "old item". It doesn't have to be all of the above, but it needs to fill out at least one criteria.

Kathleen : In the case of the wood part, it can raise the following questions too : Can Ink talk with furniture, as long as it is made of wood ? Can he talk with a book, since paper is also made of wood ? Does that mean Ink can maybe talk to trees ?

Gin : The answer ?

Ink : Depend on the writers.

He shrugs while saying it.

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