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The Sanses wake up and go into the living room to get their breakfast.

Jill comes to get them.

Jill : Hey, guys. You would maybe... like to go outside for a bit.

They all exchange a look and follow Jill near the archery ground Kathleen made for Dream and Wine. There, they see Kathleen and a new Sans.

 There, they see Kathleen and a new Sans

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Kathleen : Oh, hey guys. Nice t see you all up. This is Peach, they are going to stay with us for a bit.

Peach turns around and spots Dream. They rush to him.

Peach : Mister Dream, you are here too ! I am so happy to see you.

Kathleen : Ahaha. I am surprised you spotted Dream before them. Ahaha...

Peach : Them ?

Fresh : Yo, Peach. Kath is talkin' about your parents. They are here too, broseki.

Peach : Oh, hey Fresh... Wait what ?

Peach walks backward and looks more attentively.

Peach : Oh yeah.

All : Wait ! Whose kid are they ?

Everyone turn to Ink.

Ink : Nope, I am full innocent on this one child. As pure as an angel.

All : So who ?

Kathleen : Maybe, if you let Peach go and hug their Mom and Dad.

They all distance each other and Peach runs to give a peck to Abyss and hugs Wine, like it has been years since last time they saw each other.

Abyss : Huh... Wait, so you are... our child ?

Peach : Yeah. Well, Kath told me you and Father still didn't have me. Though I am not surprise to see Fresh already knows about me.

All : Why is the child here ?

Kathleen : Somebody wanted Peach to come. Well, the problem with Peach is it can refere to either Peach!Dream, which is a character that exist (I hope I didn't take a picture of him by accident) or Peach, the child we have here. Who doesn't help us by admiriring Dream so much they took some inspiration from him for what they look like. Since I didn't know anything about the Dream version, I brought the Dream wannabe instead.

Peach : Ahaha... Sorry ?

They finally released Wine from the hug.

Error : Though, why Wine had a hug but Abyss a kiss ?

Peach : Well, I live with Mom... I rarely see Father... and when I do, I have to share with Chara... So, for once, I have Father to myself...

Peach is blushing and looking down, hiding a bit under their bandana.

Ranting with the SansesWhere stories live. Discover now