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Watching the new episode of Underverse.

Kathleen : OH MY GOD !!

All : Are you alright Kathleen ?

Kathleen : Yeah, just... I have my brain that send me a crazy theory and I need to deal with it... I shouldn't have watch the new underverse episode...

Ink : I feel like we need popcorn, guys. The creators theories are always funny.

Killer : I got it.

He gives popcorn to everyone.

Kathleen : So, you know how Underverse is made by Cross creator and all, I guess. We know at the end of season one, Cross escaped with Dream, meaning he will most likely allies himself with him, as some kind of redemption.

Dream and Cross exchange a look.

Kathleen : Another thing worth noting, is the following. Jakei is really respectful of how the Sanses are in their canon, so, why is Ink's behavior so odd, when she is so respectful ? Yes, Ink is not good, but he isn't evil neither. We know he is afraid of blank space, but we see him going inside of X-tale, willingly even after knowing the place turned as empty as the anti-void, just to hang out with Cross, which Ink in an EMOTIONLESS state tell he cared about. So, Cross succeed the nearly impossible task of getting Ink seeing him as a friend !

They all turn to look at Ink who looks away.

Kathleen : Not just that, but not only Ink fights two of his worst phobia, just for Cross, but we know he hates his emotionless state. And even so, he goes emotionless at the end of season one, which is even confirmed by both Nightmare and Dream saying they don't feel any feelings coming from Ink. And he does so, to free X-Gaster. He didn't need to do so. Unless he doesn't want to do it, but don't have a choice. In that case, being emotionless is the only way.

They just stare at her in silence.

Kathleen : In the new episode, we see that Sans got back in his world, said to Frisk what happened and X-Gaster is in conquerer mode.  But, we all know one thing quite damn well. Error loves the original universe, meaning, if you harm it, he will interfeer to protect it. And Ink knows that. All too well. And you want to make me believe Ink thought Error would play this "game" with him, if that meant harming the original AU ? Ink isn't that dumb. He knew Error would say "no", so, what if, Ink made all of his bet on the no. What if, Ink believes in Error to be the protector while he can't, to protect the original AU, while he can't be the protector himself ?

Error is blinking while everyone got thinking.

Kathleen : And, if indeed, Ink did trust Error with protecting the original AU, he maybe didn't just trusted him in it. For instance, we know damn well, Dream and Core Frisk would try to save and protect the Aus, original or not. So, he can trust them with it. But, there is someone else who need to stop X-Gaster, and who got to see how dangerous the overwrite is. Nightmare.

Everyone turns to Nightmare who blinks.

Kathleen : Nightmare wants negativity, but for it, he needs people to emotionally suffers, not just it, but he wants as much as possible, meaning Nightmare have an interest in the fact there IS a multiverse, something X-Gaster don't want, from what we can get. So, what if Ink also made that risky bet of Nightmare for once, since the black apple incident being a guardian, once again ? That Nightmare would maybe make a truce with Dream, just like Error and Ink did way before episode 1 of Underverse, for the sake of the multiverse.

Nightmare : I think she is becoming crazy...

Kathleen : And there is another reason for Nightmare to make that alliance with Dream. That reason being Killer. Killer said on first meeting with Cross and Cross Chara he had the memory of Classic. He knew what the Classic Sans we were following was living because of Cross. So, he have access to Classic's memory. Not just that, but we know his soul is fused with his Chara's soul, which is also Frisk's soul. And Frisk is agaisnt X-Gaster. If he can communicate with Killer, he could convince Killer to help.

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