Interesting detail

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All : What again ?

Ink : Well, I somewhat talked about it in the comment, but...

Ink : Well, I somewhat talked about it in the comment, but

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Error : ... What about it ?

Kathleen : Well, is that just me... or the glitches in the Multiverse have an type, like, ship wise.

All : Huh ?

Kathleen : Ok, reminder of wo are the glitches... We have : Geno, Error, Error 404 here. And some other, but they aren't as known, and we can somewhat count Fatal Error as Geno.

Geno : And what about it ?

Kathleen : Geno. Who are you shipped with ? And same question for Error and 404 ?

She smiles "innocently". The Protectors have a realisation.

Geno : I guess for me, it would be Reaper. Error is Ink as for 404...

Bill : This would be me~

He is floating behind 404 and rest a elbow on 404's shoulder.

Kathleen : Here is a question. How would you describe Ink, Reaper and Bill ?

She smiles even more.

Error : Hm... An annoying powerful bastard ?

The three turn toward him.

Jill : Well, I mean, he isn't that far, yeah.

Kathleen : If I was to say it in my case, I would be saying this : A floating, god-like powerful flirty skeleton that enjoy teasing their tsundere glitchy crush.

All : This fits too.

Kathleen : And, funnily enough, you can also point out there is always a masochist, in the couple...

All : Huh, we see for Geno, but what ?

Kathleen : Bill, in Gravity Falls, is shown to enjoy pain.

Jill : Here is the proof.

404 : ... You are insane.

Bill : Tell me something new, darling.

He leans close to 404's face, so he pulls out his strings to tie up Bill.

Ink, Error, Reaper : ... I think you are just digging yourself deeper like that.

Kathleen : Agreed.

The Guardian of feelings all nod while Bill is enjoying being tied up by his flustered glitch.

Ink : So, who between Error and I is the masochist ?

Kathleen : You cannot feel pain. Are you really asking me that now ?

Ink has an innocent smile.

Error : I am not a masochist !!

Template : ... Error, you used to be Geno. So, I think we have the right to doubt that sentence.

Dust is rereading the discussion before lifting his hand.

Dust : Huh, there is something... We all know that Reaper can float, sure and Bill is also doing that on frequent basis, but Ink can't float... right ?

Tam : Actually, he can. I saw him do it a few times.

Ink : This is what allow me to travel inside the Doodlesphere.

Jill : We will take this moment to precise that Comyet never technically stated that Ink can float or not, but that she never stated that there was no gravity in the Doodlesphere neither. And, Ink is often depicted as floating through the Doodlesphere. This could mean he can float in a natural manner, that the Doodlesphere has no gravity or that both are possible. Kath is on the side that think that both are correct.

Ink : So, this was only about that coincidence ?

Kathleen : There is that, but there is other things too... I don't think this is known, but there is a moment where Comyet implied that maybe, Ink ever changing eyelights was how he watched over the AUs. I think the way she could have meant it, was that each time the eye change, Ink is looking at another AU. This doesn't stop the possibility of Ink's eyes reflecting his emotions, though.

Dream : Wait, does it really work like that ?

Ink : Dream. Do you really think I can go and check on every AU in the Multiverse if I ave to go inside of each of them, one by one ? Timeline by Timeline ? I would never be done with just that, let alone fight Error or the Bad.

Nightmare : But how do you do both ?

Kathleen : Comyet said that one of Ink's eye is always the red target symbol when he is fighting. So, we can think that maybe, when Ink is more focused on what is happening around him, his eyes are more stable and don't change as frequently, representing his feelings, while if they change at every blinks, he is actually checking the AUs.

Gin : Is that what you do, every morning ?

Ink jolts and looks away.

Ink : Maybe... I prefer being sure...

Kathleen : After, this could be interesting to question. Do each eye look at a different AU or not ?

Jill : You are on the said that they do, right ?

Kath nods.

Jill : Oh, and for those who want to make Ink the masochist instead of Error.

Error : I thought we dropped it.

Ink : Visibly not.

Kathleen : A way to do it, would be by making Error the only person who can hurt Ink. This is somewhat something that happen in "When Death becomes an accidental Cupid". There is a scene where Ink gets injured and the narration precise that he feels pain. Because the injuries was made by someone who is a "Destroyer", so for a person like Ink, who is kept alive through "Creativity", you can think that the Destroyer can actually hurt them.

Error : In our case ?

Ink : You don't. You never hurted me Ruru~

Nightmare : So, this is a bit like how Dream is the only person capable of inflict damages on me, thank to the Positivity.

Kathleen : Yup, and while you are doing the parralel !

Nightmare : I should have kept my mouth shut...

Kathleen : I noticed an odd detail, in the Balance stories.

All : Again with the Balance ?!

Kathleen : Reaper and Nightmare, that are linked to the 'negative' side of the Balance are both linked to cold. It is often imagined that both of them have a low body temperature and would cause the surrounding area to get colder. Meanwhile, Life and Dream are linked to warmth, Life because of her fire magic (and her being Toriel, of course) and Dream because of Positivity and the sun.

Horror : And ?

Bill : Wait, you didn't mention Error and Ink.

Kathleen : Because, interestingly enough, Ink and Error are the reverse. Error is often depicted as reacting to being touched by other like he was burned by the touch, and in some stories, his glitches do burn him. Meanwhile, because Ink doesn't have a soul, there are stories where people think he would have a low body temperature. And by low, I mean lower than both Nightmare and Reaper. It's just that small interesting detail like that. I kinda wanted to mention it.

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