Soulless heart

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Ink : Why do I feel targeted ?

Kathleen : Because that song is about you. This is the ending of Underverse after the first half. Which also could contain hint of why you are doing it in the first place. I was asked to make a theory about it, so here it is. We will obliviously cut the song in different parts.

"How long have I been longing?"

So, Ink is longing for something, for a really long time, visibly since he cannot tell since how long it has been. I mean, sure it's Ink but still.

"to be free, and not broken"So, this is my personal interpretation of what Ink could be refering to here, but I am pretty sure for the Freedom part.

Like I said before, Ink is technically a tool for the Creators, so he is far from free. He is closer of a slave.

As for not broken, I can only think of his soulless nature and his inability to feel without his paints, which are given to him, by us, the Creators, once again stripping him from his freedom.

"in this ocean, of hollowness"

The hollowness is definitively about the fact he doesn't have a soul. That he is empty. And the fact he calls that an ocean, could be because this feel overwhelming in some way. Which, I am guessing it does ?

She turns toward the emotionless ones who all nod their head.

"I dont want to, be forgotten"

His autophobia is showing there. Because, yes, fear of abandonment is one of the form of autophobia. And, reminder, he was abandonned, in Underverse, so justified much.

Plus, his desire to not be forgotten is what lead him to tear his soul apart to escape from another ocean of hollowness. His old world.

"I drift around, killing time"

This is both how he lived his life, since he was created, and especially more after that deal with Error, where Ink literally had nothing to do. He was stripped from his work, and the one thing that he used to define himself as a person.

"to fill the void that I got inside"

I think Killer relate to this one ?

Killer : Yeah. When you are emotionally empty, it can feel... maddening ? So, you try to distract yourself from the emptyness

The Inks have a weak bitter smile at this, that translate their own feeling of the experience.

"I seek to survive, not to die"

I think it is explicit, but just in case : Ink is dying because we stopped creating !

"for a proper way to become alive"

He is searcing for a way to stay alive in a more "proper way" which by that, we can surely transtlate, as "not depending on other people giving him what he needs to stay alive. Which would also free him from one of the shackles we have put on him.

"I drift around, wasting my time"

Same as before, what he does can be seen as a waste of time, including for him, but he literally has nothing else to do anymore.

"counting the hours I have left inside"

Since he is dying, he is limiting what he does with his magic, in order to last as long as he can. Because, you know, he will run out of vials faster, if he uses his magic. So "counting the hours" is surely trying to evaluate how long he has left.

"I seek to survive, and not to die for a proper way to become alive"

Same as before, he just try to survive, after we abandonned him, and gain some form of freedom in the process.

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