OS Orfeo (Lust x Ink)

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I feel like including it in my Treasure.

I really like Orfeo (especially his design).

Warming : The challenge is about Orfeo being born without lemon (but in his canon, he is born from an actual relationship between Lust and Ink)

As for who Orfeo is... here he is.

 here he is

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Ink's POV 

Hello, Creators ! How are you doing ? Me ? I am doing great. Right now, I am having yet again another cooking lesson with Lust. How is it going ? Well...

Lust : Ink !!! How did you put the boiling water on FIRE ?!

I think you got your answer.

Lust puts off the fire and sighs.

Lust : How did you even manage this one ?

Ink : I dunno ? Don't ask me.

Lust : I swear, Ink. I would be human, I would already have died from a heart attack...

Ink : Sorry...

Lust : Nah, don't worry... ... Could you play something, please ? I will think of something simpler, meanwhile.

Ink : Ok.

I got my flute out and begins to play something claming for Lust.

... I guess it was too calming, because he fell asleep. Oops...

Ink : Well, better bring him to bed. It won't be comfy like it.

I put my flute back and carry Lust like a princess in his room. He seems to have a fever. I put my hand on his foreskull, before understanding the problem.

Ink : Oh, is that Lust's heat period ? I forgot they have it in Underlust.

I remember Lust complaining about his heat, because it makes him really hot, and he don't want to sleep around with other. He would love to be with someone he likes, not someone just after some fun time.

Maybe I can do something about it.

I get Lust's soul out discretly and sit next to the bed. I need to really concentrate, while doing so, but after sometime, I manage to extract the lust induced in Lust's soul. Since it is dripping I summoned one of my empty vials to let the lust follow in it. Lust breathing is becoming calmer, and his fever seems to be going down.

It's really working, whoah. I almost thought it would fail.

Once I was done, I release Lust's soul and its return to its place, in Lust's torso. I leave him a note, on the fact I need to leave, and decide to put on the back an explaination of what I did, because, if there is any side effect, I would rather be informed quickly.

I don't think they will be any, but I learned it better to be safe than sorry.

I take the vials and teleport back home. Now, what do I do with this vial ? I better find a way for me to not take it by accident, because it is full concentrated lust, pretty sure I would try to rape the whole multiverse, if I take it for one of my vials. Hm... Well, I can begin by putting it in something else than a vial. Maybe I will hide it with Gin's mask and sweat ?

Let's do it for now.

I search around and find an empty bottle. I put the lust in it and write on it, so I won't forget what it is, than put it in my room.

Timeskip to a few weeks later.

So, Lust decided that since we entered febuary today, he would teach me how to make chocolate.

By the way, we do it at my place today, because Papyrus is in intense planning for his valentine's date with Mettaton. Yeah, I know, we are just the first, and he is already like that. I feel like Lust is going to be tired real quick.

Ink : Why chocolate though ? I am pretty sure it is complicated.

Lust : Yeah, but you can give it to Error. Like that, he will suffer from stomachache ! So, I will be in peace, for valentine !

Ink : Ahahah. Fine, fine. But, better not fail too much, then.

... I think you can guess how the cooking went.

I litteraly exploded my own kitchen. I just had time to protect Lust from the fire and explosion.

Ink : Oops... Lust, are you alive ?

Lust : Y-yeah... Huh...

Ink : I am putting out the fire, don't worry. Wait in the living room.

Lust's POV

So, I decided, while waiting in the living room. I won't ever teach Ink's how to cook, ever again. I am sorry, Ink... It's just. You are a lost cause.

While I was waiting, I begin to hear cries. Huh...? What ?

I follow the cries to a messy room, and see a baby in it. I am so confused right now. Ink has a child ?

So, the baby has tattoos on his arms, an ink splotch who look like a heart. His eyelights don't match up, one is purple like mine and the other one is blue.

I come near the chil to take it in my arms and see he is covered in paint and something else. I look around to understand what happened. So, I see what most likely used to be a bottle, where the child was sitting and crying and a spilled paint pot not too far. Oh, could it be Ink's creation paint ?

But why did it make a baby... who now that I think about it, stopped crying as soon I took it in my arms ?

I look at the baby again and see it stares at me. Then its giggles and makes grappy hands toward me.

Lust : Ink !!! You should come !

I hear footsteps. Guess he finished his fight with the kitchen.

Ink : What is wrong, Lu... huh... where did you get that kid ?

I show him and he comes looking.

Ink : Ah, shoot. I think I got it. Let me see the child.

I give him the kid.

Ink : ... oops... Well, Lust, do you want to be called mom or Dad in the futur ?

Lust : Excuse me ?!

Ink : Lust, here is Orfeo, a child made by the creators. They used the pain you see on the floor, and the magic that was in the lust of your heat I took from you, a few weeks ago.

Lust : So... children can be born like it ?

Ink : Only because it is me, I guess.

Lust : ... Well, Orfeo is a cute name. But, I doubt Underlust is a good place for a kid, though.

Ink : Yeah, but I am a pretty forgetful and absent parent... what do we do ?

Lust : ... I will raise him, when he is a baby, when he is old enough to walk alone, we ask Core to keep him safe in the omega timeline and visits him from time to time, then, if you can and he agrees, you take him in ?

Ink : Huh, you sure we can do that ? I mean, sure, Core will be a better parent than I, but still...

Lust : Ink. We can't let that child stay in Underlust. As soon as he will be old enough to go outside, he could end up being raped ! The Omega timeline is safer, since you can't stay with him neither.

Ink : ... Yeah, I guess. Hope he will understand it, though... I will talk with Core about it.

Lust : Ok. I will warm Papy and begin preparing.

I open a portal for Lust.

Ink : Well, first thing first, let's do something to help you manage your own lust, for when you will be older, bucko. And clean up that messy room.

Orfeo : Gah !


So, did you like it ? What do you think ? Should I add Orfeo in My Treasure, in the book about the ship children ? XD

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