Dare 5 + fun fact

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Ink : Are you bored or something today, Kath ?

Kathleen : Kinda.

Nightmare : So, what is the dare ?

Micadolaser appears next to Kathleen.

Kathleen : They want Dream to hug them.

Dream gives you a big hug while having a huge smile and you hug them back.

Ink : Ok, and, what is the fun fact ?

Kathleen : Most Sanses are left handed.

Jill : Wait, what ? Really ?

Kathleen : Yeah. Classic is actually left-handed, so every Sans that is just an AT of Classic are left-handed too. Meaning Science, Classic, Glare, Horror, Glamour, Chomp, Randy, Color, Flinch, Geno, Ceno, Cider, Holo, Error, Zero, Silence, Template, Reboot, Myriad, Killer, Target, Hacker, Juro, Dust, Breeze, Koda, Bobby, Bill and Daniel are all left-handed.

Error : There was unfamiliar names among us.

Jill : Daniel is the version of Bill in Nightswap. Randy, Hacker and Bobby are part of the creepypasta trio, which is the alternate of the murder trio in Dreamswap, Flinch is the version of Color in Dreamswap. Cider is the version of Geno in the Star Multiverse. As for Silence, this is a version of Error who fused with Dream.

Kathleen : So, for Silence, I say he is left-handed, but because of Dream, he could actually be ambidextrous.

All - Dreams and Nightmares : Dream is ambidextrous ?

Dream : Well, yeah.

He summons his bow and slipts it into two swords.

Dream : How else would I be able to use those ?

Everyone - Star Sanses : WHAT ARE THOSES ?! You had something like that ?

Dream : ...

He unsommons his swords and sighs.

Cross : This was so cool, dude.

Dream : Thank you, Cross !

He flashes him a bright smile and Cross blushes. He hides under his scarf.

Dream : But, I am not the only one who is ambdextrous though. Ink is too.

All : Huh ?

Ink : Well, yeah, this is useful for working twice as fast.

Gin : ... Didn't I just put you to sleep ?

Ink : ... Bye !

He runs away.

Gin : INK !!!

He runs after him with Zephyr behind him to help.

Kathleen : They won't be able to catch him, aren't they ?

Error : As if Ink would be caught by those two. Nobody dodge as well as Ink.

Blue : So, I am the only Star Sans who isn't ambidextrous ?

Dream : Huh... yeah...

Kathleen : Indeed. I mean, judging by Cross' future new weapon, I guess he is also ambidextrous. So, yeah, Blue. You are the only one who is left-handed.

Dust : Well, if you want Blue, you can take Killer's place. That traitor isn't left-handed anymore.

Killer : Hey, I just learned how to use my right hand in a fight ! How dare you ?

Kathleen : Though, Bill Cipher is right handed in Gravity Falls, so I wonder if Bill isn't ambidextrous. Like, maybe with the left hand he uses his Sans' abilities and with the right his demon abilities ?

Jill : Kath, don't start it. You are going to open a debat.

Kathleen : But I love doing thoses things ?

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